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08-06-2009, 17:12
hi all :)

I have a new good idea for a tbgl "fractal dancer" example... (collected some math. functions and have got some very good results!) but I'm just fishing in a dark hole... and looking for any tbgl example to show or help with some similar functions... (nehe or open gl examples are welcome too or other thinbasic stuff...) anybody can help ? Have used also the search function at the board, but with less success ;) I am far away from my desktop pc so I must improve :)

would be nice to get some hints, suggestions or old / new example for it... thanks in advance, Lionheart

Petr Schreiber
08-06-2009, 17:18
Hi Frank,

I haven't heard from you for a while :)
What is "fractal dancer"?


08-06-2009, 17:27
hi petr, hi all other thinbasic friends :)

I have had some stressy time last week-end until today... removal part two, soccer challenge cup with 24 teams (we made the third place!!!) and more private things...

"fractal dancer" (geometric patterns!) idea: want to do a loop with fractals and perhaps if it's possible to animate the scene (something like generating particles, so I will generate fractals...) and the third step could be to make it with music as basis :D I have seen a fantastic video at tv last night and there were some kinds of surrealistic things full of live and power :) ...

will follow this idea and while I am writing down my thoughts I see a way... I will check the tbgl particle code examples... must laugh loud... it's always the same... but if you know a way (theoretical) or have an interesting example... I am glad to see it ...

best regards, Lionheart

10-06-2009, 13:03
hi dear thinbasic and fractal or geometric patterns friends :)
hi petr...

have managed my first examples (first step of ten!) to visualize new tbgl points...
here some of my examples... have fun with it and I am astonished what is possible with simple codes...
have built about ten different math. functions... even with fract structures...

bundle exe will follow... sorry, my notebook has at the moment some heavy troubles... cannot load my files here for the forum... will check it at the afternoon again...

ciao, Lionheart

10-06-2009, 18:46
Looks nice Frank. You might want to look at Petr's motion blur and glow examples to add to the cool visual arsenal.

Blur: http://community.thinbasic.com/index.php?topic=2311.0

Glow: http://community.thinbasic.com/index.php?topic=1554.0

10-06-2009, 19:03
hi kent :)
hi all...

thank you for the links... I am working with my notebook at a quite another place with my girl friend ;)

here are some (in my eyes really great!) geometric patterns (concentrated fractal arts will come!) I have built last night...
they are self rotating objects...

best regards... feel free to test them... I like it sooo much ! :D

advice: quit with "Q" or "ESC" the scenes...

I have bundled the scenes with thinair bundle exe... for this time only with rar... files, sorry... zip files will get the next time.. ciao, best wishes to all they have fun with math. or tbgl examples... so I get to the next step with more effects and power...

ps: any constructive critics are welcome :)

Petr Schreiber
10-06-2009, 20:56
Hi Frank,

very nice structures. Which functions produce them?

I cannot comment on code as there are only EXEs available, but looking at CPU usage ... 94% ... that's so 2008 :lol:.
Hehe, just joking of course. But you could check out post here (http://community.thinbasic.com/index.php?topic=2675.msg20179#msg20179) - it shows how to make TBGL scripts fluid, but CPU friendly.


11-06-2009, 00:24
Frank I enjoyed them. Now you need to add some of your original music so we can hear and see and enjoy. Thanks look cool!

12-06-2009, 22:35
dear kent, petr, hello again...

perhaps somebody can test this tbgl example I add if it's running more with fluids or stopping more in snatches ???


But you could check out post here - it shows how to make TBGL scripts fluid, but CPU friendly.

I have to tune and optimize all the math. examples ( I know) above with new tbgl entity forms, that's right petr ;) and I hope it's more cpu friendly... thanks for the link and the example... with the tbgl fan for hot weather :)

Now you need to add some of your original music so we can hear and see and enjoy. Thanks look cool!

thank you, kent, but the music will come at the end of the scripts, perhaps next month, until there is waiting a lot of work for me ... ;)

good evening, Lionheart

13-06-2009, 05:28
Running nice here Frank. I get about average 35% cpu usage while your fractal program runs smoothly.

16-06-2009, 09:43
hi kent, petr, hi all...

because of having examination this and next week (ms office, 2d graphic manipulation, calculation economy course etcpp.) I have no time for testing or producing anything ;) I come back with some few and big issues of my projects... :)

good luck to all other for good and new ideas with and around thinbasic, best wishes, Lionheart

Petr Schreiber
16-06-2009, 09:46
Best wishes for the exams Frank,

I have exam time now too, and it is pretty stressy, I wish you it goes more smoothly for you.


16-06-2009, 11:57
hi petr :)

thank you, I need it... I couldn't sleep really good last night and have today a pale blue face... I hope it will go smoothly for me tomorrow... good luck for you too...

Best wishes for the exams Frank,

at friday I will have managed the first round... next week the second round with the same gaming rules... ;)

cross my finger for you too :D

goodbye, tbgl batman, salve, Lionhead