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View Full Version : tbgl using oxygen choosing color example :)

07-05-2009, 12:42
good morning to the oxygen-tbgl front :)
hi charles, petr, kent, michael, all who are working also with oxygen module...

to learn more about tbgl and oxygen cooperation I have just add a new tbgl button 4 and again some little things to this damned good choosing color example created by oxygen power ...

1) if you like push in every tbgl window (1-4) extra
the "R", "G", "B" Keys to see what happen to the models... ;)

(little hint for eros: I cannot write words like this one as [R],[G], "B",... into this post text box says to me everything is now bold after this "B" put into this =>[] brackets...) ?

2) click "choose color", choose a color you like, close color picker and notice the rgb values of the models are changing... very, very nice one ! :)

ciao, best regards, Lionheart
have fun with it :D

'--modified with new tbgl button 4 :) by lionheart, mai 2009


uses "TBGL", "UI","OXYGEN"

global hCtrl as dword
global ExitProgram as long
global TBGL_TestFunction as string
global hDlg AS DWORD

global lcolor,fr,fg,fb,br,bg,bb as long
fr=128 : fg=258 : fb=228
br=042 : bg=042 : bb=045

' -- ID numbers of controls
Begin Const
%btnClose = 1000



%IDC_TIMER = 100
%TIMER_DELAY = 1 ' Timer delay (in milliseconds, not very accurate below about 100)
End Const

' Main function
function TBMAIN() as long

DIALOG New 0, "Callbacks for Colors using Oxygen by Lionheart", 100, 100, 640, 450, _
%WS_CLIPCHILDREN Or %ws_clipsiblings or %WS_CAPTION OR _
' -- Place controls here
hCtrl = CONTROL ADD label, hDlg, %gCanvas, "This is LABEL control, press ON to use this label as TBGL canvas", 6, 6, 520, 420
control set color hDlg, %gCanvas, %YELLOW, %BLACK

CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btnCanvasOn , "On" , 530, 5, 100, 24,,, call CanvasButton
CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btnCanvasOff , "Off" , 530, 35, 100, 24,,, call CanvasButton

CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btn_test01 , "TBGL Test 1" , 530, 80, 100, 24,,, call cbChangeTest
CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btn_test02 , "TBGL Test 2" , 530, 106, 100, 24,,, call cbChangeTest
CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btn_test03 , "TBGL Test 3" , 530, 130, 100, 24,,, call cbChangeTest
CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btn_test04 , "TBGL Test 4" , 530, 156, 100, 24,,, call cbChangeTest

CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btn_colorpik , "Choose Color" , 530, 204, 100, 20,,, call cbColorpik
CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btn_colorpikB , "Choose Back Color" , 530, 226, 100, 20,,, call cbColorpikB
dim est as long=%ES_MULTILINE or %WS_HSCROLL or %WS_VSCROLL
dim s as string="; Oxygen Script:"+$crlf+"; Choosing Colors"+$crlf+"; Click GET DATA to read current data"
CONTROL ADD TEXTBOX, hDlg, %txt_box , s , 530, 255, 100, 90,est,', 0
CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btn_read , "Get Data" , 530, 350, 050, 20,,, call cbReado
CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btn_exec , "Exec" , 580, 350, 050, 20,,, call cbExeco

CONTROL ADD BUTTON, hDlg, %btnClose , "Click to close" , 530, 370, 100, 30,,, call CloseButton

' -- Set anchors
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btnClose , 0, 1, 0, 1
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btnCanvasOn , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btnCanvasOff, 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %gCanvas , 1, 1, 1, 1

CONTROL disable hDlg, %btnCanvasOff

CONTROL disable hDlg, %btn_test01, %btn_test02, %btn_test03, %btn_test04

CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_test01 , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_test02 , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_test03 , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_test04 , 0, 1, 1, 0

dialog set minsize hDlg, 400, 300

TBGL_TestFunction = "Render_01"

DIALOG SHOW MODal hDlg, call DlgProc

End Function

' Callback function for main window
callback function DlgProc() as long

select case cbmsg


dialog Set Timer cbhndl, %IDC_TIMER, %TIMER_DELAY

case %WM_SIZE
call TBGL_TestFunction

call TBGL_TestFunction

case %WM_TIMER
'---Dynamically call a function whose name is composed at run-time
'---In this case function name to be executed is inside TBGL_TestFunction string variable
call TBGL_TestFunction

if TBGL_CanvasBound(hCtrl) then TBGL_ReleaseCanvas(hCtrl)
dialog Kill Timer cbhndl, %IDC_TIMER


end select
end function

' Callback function handling Close button
callback function CloseButton() as long

if cbctlmsg = %BN_CLICKED then DIALOG End cbhndl
end if

end function

' Callback function handling Canvas activation/deactivation
callback function CanvasButton() as long

if cbctlmsg = %BN_CLICKED then
select case cbctl
case %btnCanvasOn
TBGL_TestFunction = "Render_01"
CONTROL disable cbhndl, %btnCanvasOn

CONTROL enable cbhndl, %btnCanvasOff, %btn_test02, %btn_test03, %btn_test04

case %btnCanvasOff
CONTROL disable cbhndl, %btnCanvasOff


CONTROL disable cbhndl, %btn_test01, %btn_test02, %btn_test03, %btn_test04

CONTROL enable cbhndl, %btnCanvasOn

end select
end if
end if

end function

' Callback function handling test type
callback function cbChangeTest() as long

if cbctlmsg = %BN_CLICKED then
select case cbctl
case %btn_test01
CONTROL disable cbhndl, %btn_test01
CONTROL enable cbhndl, %btn_test02, %btn_test03, %btn_test04

TBGL_TestFunction = "Render_01"
case %btn_test02
CONTROL disable cbhndl, %btn_test02
CONTROL enable cbhndl, %btn_test01, %btn_test03, %btn_test04

TBGL_TestFunction = "Render_02"
case %btn_test03
CONTROL disable cbhndl, %btn_test03
CONTROL enable cbhndl, %btn_test01, %btn_test02, %btn_test04

TBGL_TestFunction = "Render_03"
case %btn_test04
CONTROL disable cbhndl, %btn_test04
CONTROL enable cbhndl, %btn_test01, %btn_test02, %btn_test04

TBGL_TestFunction = "Render_04"
case %btn_test04
CONTROL disable cbhndl, %btn_test04
CONTROL enable cbhndl, %btn_test01, %btn_test02, %btn_test04
end select
end if
end if

end function

' Callback function handling color picker
callback function cbColorpik() as long
dim c as long
if cbctlmsg = %BN_CLICKED then
c = Dialog_ChooseColor(hDlg, rgb(fr,fg,fb), %CC_RGBINIT OR %CC_FULLOPEN )
if c<>-1 then
fr =lcolor and 255 : fg=lcolor : fb=lcolor
shift right fg, 8 : fg = fg and 255
shift right fb, 16 : fb = fb and 255
end if
end if
end if
end function

' Callback function handling color picker Background
callback function cbColorpikB() as long
dim c as long
if cbctlmsg = %BN_CLICKED then
c = Dialog_ChooseColor(hDlg, rgb(br,bg,bb), %CC_RGBINIT OR %CC_FULLOPEN )
if c<>-1 then
br =lcolor and 255 : bg=lcolor : bb=lcolor
shift right bg, 8 : bg = bg and 255
shift right bb, 16 : bb = bb and 255
end if
end if
end if
end function

' Callback function to read in script from textbox
callback function cbReado() as long
dim s as string
if cbctlmsg = %BN_CLICKED then
s="; Enter new values literally"+$crlf+_
"; or as Expressions"+$crlf+_
"; then click EXEC"+$crlf+$crlf+_
" fr ="+$tab+str$(fr)+$crlf+_
" fg ="+$tab+str$(fg)+$crlf+_
" fb ="+$tab+str$(fb)+$crlf+_
" br ="+$tab+str$(br)+$crlf+_
" bg ="+$tab+str$(bg)+$crlf+_
" bb ="+$tab+str$(bb)+$crlf
Control_Settext(hDlg, %txt_box,s)

end if
end if
end function

' Callback function to compile and execute o2 script
callback function cbExeco() as long
dim s as string
if cbctlmsg = %BN_CLICKED then
s=Control_Gettext(hDlg, %txt_box)
s="dim fr at #fr, fg at #fg, fb at #fb, br at #br, bg at #bg, bb at #bb"+$cr+s+"terminate"+$cr
o2_basic s
end if
end if
end function

' TBGL render function 1
function Render_01() as long
static x, y, z as double
Static BoxColor as long

TBGL_UseLighting %TRUE
TBGL_UseLightSource %GL_LIGHT0, %TRUE
TBGL_BackColor br,bg,bb

if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_R) then fr=255 : fg=0 : fb=0
if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_G) then fr=0 : fg=255 : fb=0
if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_B) then fr=0 : fg=0 : fb=255
if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_A) then fr=0 : fg=0 : fb=0
TBGL_COLOR fr,fg,fb


tbgl_Camera 0,0,5,0,1,0
tbgl_translate 0,0.25,0
tbgl_Rotate GetTickCount/25,1,1,2
tbgl_Box 1,1.75,1
tbgl_Color fr, fg, 255
tbgl_Rotate GetTickCount/20,-1,2,1
tbgl_Box 0.25,0.45,2.5
tbgl_GetPixelInfo tbgl_MouseGetPosX, tbgl_MouseGetPosy, %TBGL_PINFO_XYZ, x, y, z
tbgl_Translate x,y,z
tbgl_color 255,fg,fb
tbgl_Sphere 0.295

end function

' TBGL render function 2
function Render_02() as long
static i, j as long
TBGL_COLOR 255, 255, 255
TBGL_BackColor br,bg,bb
TBGL_UseLighting %TRUE
TBGL_UseLightSource %GL_LIGHT0, %TRUE

' -- Erases previous frame

' -- Sets camera to look from 3,3,3 to 0,-1,0
tbgl_Camera 3, 3, 3, _
0, 0, 0

' -- All following geometry will be rotated around vector 0,1,0
' -- That is - Y axis
tbgl_Rotate gettickcount/100, 0, 1, 0

' -- Now we will try to render kind of spider
' -- It has ...

' .. One big head
tbgl_Color fr,fg,fb
tbgl_Sphere 0.25

' .. And eight legs
' .. We will draw them each 60°
for i = 0 to 359 step 45
tbgl_Rotate i, 0, 1, 0 ' 60, 120, 180, ...

' -- Legs will raise from bottom of head
tbgl_Translate 0, -0.25, 0

' -- With 3 part tentacle
for j = 1 to 3
tbgl_Color fr/j, fg/j, fb/j

' -- Some harmonic rotations will be provided by Sinus
tbgl_Rotate 70+sin(GetTickCount/1000+i+j)*20, 1, 0, 0

' -- Each tentacle part will be shorter and thinner than that before
tbgl_Cylinder ( 0.1/j, 0.1/(j+1), 1/j )
' -- When drawn, we need to move "cursor" at its end to bind new part
tbgl_Translate 0, 1/j, 0


if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_R) then fr=255 : fg=0 : fb=0
if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_G) then fr=0 : fg=255 : fb=0
if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_B) then fr=0 : fg=0 : fb=255
if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_A) then fr=0 : fg=0 : fb=0

' -- Finishes drawing

end function

' TBGL render function 3
function Render_03() as long
' Rotation Variable
static angle as single

' Timing Variables
static FrameRate as number

TBGL_BackColor br,bg,bb
FrameRate = tbgl_GetFrameRate
tbgl_clearframe ' Clear Screen
tbgl_resetmatrix ' Reset the Current Matrix
tbgl_camera 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ' Default Camera Position

tbgl_translate 0, 0, -4 ' Move Pyramid to Centre of Screen
tbgl_rotate angle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ' Rotation Setup


tbgl_drawframe ' Swap the Drawing Buffers

angle += sin(timer)+100.0/FrameRate

end function

' TBGL support to render function 3

sub drawPyramid()

tbgl_beginpoly %GL_TRIANGLE_FAN
tbgl_color 40, fg, fb : tbgl_vertex 0.0, 1.5, 0.0
tbgl_color fr, 40, 40 : tbgl_vertex -1.5, -1.5, 1.5
tbgl_color fr, fg, fb : tbgl_vertex 1.5, -1.5, 1.5
tbgl_color 40, 40, fb : tbgl_vertex 1.5, -1.5, -1.5
tbgl_color 40, fg, 40 : tbgl_vertex -1.5, -1.5, -1.5
tbgl_color fr, 40, 40 : tbgl_vertex -1.5, -1.5, 1.5

tbgl_color fr,fg,fb ' restore controled foreground color

end sub

sub drawQuads()
tbgl_translate 0, -0.25,0
tbgl_rotate 60, 0, 1,0
tbgl_beginpoly %gl_quads

' Front Face

tbgl_Normal 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, -1.0, 1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, -1.0, 1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, 1.0, 1.0

' Back Face

tbgl_Normal 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, 1.0, -1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, 1.0, -1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, -1.0, -1.0

' Top Face

tbgl_Normal 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, 1.0, -1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, 1.0, 1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, 1.0, -1.0

' Bottom Face

tbgl_Normal 0.0,-1.0, 0.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, -1.0, -1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, -1.0, 1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, -1.0, 1.0

' Right face

tbgl_Normal 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, -1.0, -1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, 1.0, -1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex 1.0, -1.0, 1.0

' Left Face

tbgl_Normal -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 0.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, -1.0, 1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 1.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, 1.0, 1.0
tbgl_texcoord2d 0.0, 1.0 : tbgl_vertex -1.0, 1.0, -1.0


end sub

' TBGL render function 4

function Render_04() as long
static x, y, z as double
Static BoxColor as long

TBGL_UseLighting %TRUE
TBGL_UseLightSource %GL_LIGHT0, %TRUE
TBGL_BackColor br,bg,bb

if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_R) then fr=255 : fg=0 : fb=0
if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_G) then fr=0 : fg=255 : fb=0
if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_B) then fr=0 : fg=0 : fb=255
if tbgl_GetwindowKeyState(hCtrl, %VK_A) then fr=0 : fg=0 : fb=0
TBGL_COLOR fr,fg,fb


tbgl_Camera 0,0,5,0,1,0
tbgl_translate 0, 1, 0
tbgl_Rotate GetTickCount/25,1,1,2
tbgl_color fr, 255, fb
tbgl_torus 0.2, 1.44
tbgl_Rotate GetTickCount/8,1.25,1,-1
tbgl_rotate 45, 1, 1, 1
tbgl_color 255, fg, fb
tbgl_torus 0.22, 0.6
tbgl_rotate gettickcount/20, 2, 1, 1
tbgl_color fr, 166, fb
tbgl_torus 0.18, 0.9

tbgl_GetPixelInfo tbgl_MouseGetPosX, tbgl_MouseGetPosy, %TBGL_PINFO_XYZ, x, y, z
tbgl_Translate x,y,z

end function

more to come...

08-05-2009, 01:30
This is a nice demo as it shows so many things in one example. Lot to study from these demos. Thanks.

Charles Pegge
08-05-2009, 04:09
Hi Frank,

To make all the controls stay anchored to the dialog box when you stretch it:

(All controls:)

' -- Set anchors
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btnClose , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btnCanvasOn , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btnCanvasOff , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %gCanvas , 1, 1, 1, 1

CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_test01 , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_test02 , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_test03 , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_test04 , 0, 1, 1, 0

CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_colorpik , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_colorpikB , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %txt_box , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_read , 0, 1, 1, 0
CONTROL Set RESIZE hDlg, %btn_exec , 0, 1, 1, 0