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28-04-2009, 23:17
hi all tbgl friends of thinbasic,

this will show a tbgl/effect example: -> I have tried to use two or three textures for a nice water or air effect... (little animated) but only with 90 per cent success... perhaps my notebook will collapse the next hour... I have got every time error messages when I wanted to use more than two different texture I have specified with name and source path... don't know... I will check it again, but this example shows the really nice effect :)

My aim was to create more kind of realistic running water effects... :blush:

more to come, Lionheart

29-04-2009, 01:29
Frank, I am not sure what the question is, but let me go with what I think you were asking...
Can you have more than one texture on a model? The answer is no.
I see you are making 3 models, but I only see one texture in the texture folder, if you want to use the same texture on all 3 models you can.

Michael Hartlef
29-04-2009, 08:19
Sorry, I can't open RAR files so I can not help.

29-04-2009, 08:46
hi kent, michael, all... :)

I will try it this evening again... I wanted to take three different textures (move) over a model file.. that's all... but this effect isn't also so bad ;)

cannot zip... use rar files... I will check it michael and send you the files seperate... :)

stop: hmh, I have (must laugh!)... managed it with "7-zip", good one...

ciao, servus, Lionheart

Michael Hartlef
29-04-2009, 10:04
Hi Franck,

WindowsXP can create zip files be default. Use

Right mouse click on file->Senden an...->Zip komprimierten Ordner

Thanks for the file. I will look into it later. TBGL has no problems with several textures. But you can't multitexture a model atm.

Michael Hartlef
29-04-2009, 10:07
Just had a quick look. Where do you use several textures? I see only one texture. Can you post code where the problem shows up?

06-05-2009, 20:06
hi dear thinbasic users:)
michael, petr, kent..

... I have done a new example with my one-texture effects... you can use it for water effects or cloud effects... and now it's running as well as I have thought about it...

btw: to stack up more than two, three texture for one model to get some nice effect isn't possible with tbgl... (I have tried it several times), I use here one texture and the result is an interesting effect... see also my first post... ;)

attachment as *.zip and *.rar files

one favour: would be very nice to get some feedback if you working also with special effects at work, do you are using tbgl??? other languages or what's your dream for realizing your ideas... with thinbasic or other languages ??? ;)
ok, I am using first of all for real special effects a 3d application, but this knowledge from thinbasic and tbgl or oxygen is very, very useful :)

do you agree with me???

ciao, Lionheart
ps: I like simple made special effects

Michael Hartlef
06-05-2009, 21:29
I don't use thinBasic at all at my job. My daily job has nothing to do with game development or 3D/2d. This all here is a just a hobby.

My dream, at the end being self employed and developing indie niche games.

Petr Schreiber
06-05-2009, 21:44

good you found out workaround :)

I am not employed yet, but I use ThinBasic for visualisations of my robotics project, even for offline animation rendering - it is by far the fastest approach for my purposes.

For special effects it has good perspective to learn some shading language which can be used in combination with TBGL, like CG from NVIDIA - it runs on lot of graphic cards, you can use it from thinBasic, it is actively developed and nicely documented.


07-05-2009, 07:41
Frank, the new version looks really nice. You might want to work with Shaders, since Petr gave us this cool ability. I myself have not gotten into Shaders yet, but when you look at what can be done, it is the future to get some incredible effects. All the games I play use Shaders for water, and I get killed so many times because I spend my time looking in awe at the cool effects and not looking for enemies :)

07-05-2009, 23:22
you are welcome :)

thanks to petr and kent and michael for friendly and useful infos ! :)

@michael: what are " indie niche games " ? I am not a gamer, sorry... ;)

@kent: thank you, I had to laugh about this one..

All the games I play use Shaders for water, and I get killed so many times because I spend my time looking in awe at the cool effects and not looking for enemies Smile

@petr: I will check the nvidia pages... heard some news about it... so I can use it for my own purpose and little games :)

For special effects it has good perspective to learn some shading language which can be used in combination with TBGL, like CG from NVIDIA - it runs on lot of graphic cards, you can use it from thinBasic, it is actively developed and nicely documented.

see you, nice evening, Lionhead

Michael Hartlef
09-05-2009, 09:54
Indie niche games... I define them as none casual games and games more for a small audience. Anything that is not so common at a certain time. Like sport manager games. Very popular 10 years ago but not many deveop them atm. Or turn based strategy games.

Casual and very popular games at the moment are match-x games, hidden object games and time managment games. Look at Big Fish Games, then you see what I mean.