View Full Version : Compiling in Runtime ---> EVAL+++

Charles Pegge
15-04-2009, 17:57
An Oxygen program can now compile strings of source code and run them without stopping. This allows EVAL functions to be implemented.

This is also a feature of Functional languages - being able to pass a function as a parameter of another function.
In our case, the function or expression is simply passed inside a string.

The compile() function is essentially a recursive operation and supports the full O2H Basic.




uses "oxygen"
dim src as string

src = "
global as double x,y,z

function evaluate (s as string, b as long, e as long) as string
dim a,p=1 as long
dim v,u,cr as string
cr=chr(13) chr(10)
v=nuls 4000
mid v,p,s+cr+cr
p+=4+len s

a=compile `o2h `+s

if len (error) then print `runtime error: ` error : frees a : exit function

for x=b to e
call a
mid v,p,u : p+=len u
function=left v,p-1
frees a
end function

print evaluate `y=x*x*x`,1,10
print evaluate `y=sqrt x`,1,9


o2_basic src

'msgbox 0, o2_prep "o2h "+src

if len(o2_error) then
msgbox 0, o2_error : stop
end if


Petr Schreiber
15-04-2009, 18:10
That is incredible Charles,

great Job!

So the recommended sequence is following?:

assign code to string
compile code and return its handle
call compiled code by handle
release compiled code by handle

Shocked Petr

Charles Pegge
15-04-2009, 18:20
Yes Petr, Right on!

The handle is really a BSTR containing the compiled code. So it is explicitly freed afterwards in this case.

15-04-2009, 22:34
Charles you are amazing man :eusaclap:

15-04-2009, 22:39
Yes, that's really amazing.

16-04-2009, 01:42
Ok we need to start calling Charles-- Merlin after the famous Wizard. And what is all the more amazing is that he mentioned doing this yesterday or the day before and in the meantime added so many other features, like line numbers. Eros and Charles must be related somehow in lineage being both so super fast in complex code and feature development!!