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View Full Version : little sphero and effect example with entities

07-04-2009, 18:41
hi all:)

:unguee: sorry, haven't enough time at the moment for my projects (I am sure that there are more than two ones!) as my girl friends dad died last week and I have to care for here to manage all things around her...

have done a little sphere and move example with an circle wheel and I am thinking it's just good fitted for beginners :) but the example may be become complexer... don't know.. perhaps it's useful for planet cruising and I have to texture it only... uargh :P

I attach here my code... I like it :focus:

all have a nice day and thank you eros for new smilies :D I wished it some weeks ago...

ciao and all a nice day, lionheart

ps: more to come with my projects (also the game, my tutorial... etcpp) the next weeks... :dance1:
pps: and I will try to write my first lightwave script plugin with nurbs and a lightype script :lol:, perhaps I can translate it some days for thinbasic too :)

Petr Schreiber
07-04-2009, 18:49
Thanks for the example,

looks interesting, is it based on some dream or something?


P.S. Only one "problem":


could be done as:


07-04-2009, 19:45
hi petr, hi all,

yes, must laugh, I have dreamed last night of geometric objects and so I have taken some ideas for my little example ! :lol:

have added a second script in my last post with a grizzling effect (don't know the right word in english)... so everybody can see it's not the monitor / display or your graphic card that's burning out ...

ciao, nice evening :), lionheart

ps: I don't like any more simple and easy looking scenes they are all nearly similar ;) I will create more and more my own style ... of creating tbgl scenes ...

Petr Schreiber
07-04-2009, 19:56
Very cool effect Frank,

and forgot to say - best wishes for your girlfriend for psychical recovery!


Michael Hartlef
07-04-2009, 20:10
Ouch, Franck. Mein Beileid!

Ich hoffe das sie über die Zeit Frieden findet.

07-04-2009, 20:33
Take care Franck.
Good luck to you and to your girl friend.

07-04-2009, 22:13
Thanks Lionheart, interesting and nice effects. It is easy to forget that a lot can be done with creative coding in todays shader world. Don't get me wrong, shaders are awesome, but just like classic games can be so much fun, so can classic type special effects.

Best to your girlfriend, she is lucky to have you looking out for her in this very tough emotional time with her loss.

08-04-2009, 14:20
many thanks :good: to all :)

:) I tell her about the good wishes from heartly and friendly guys here, such things help! life is precious, short and important to "carpe diem" and sometimes to say goodbye to your friends or family members... so far as I know nobody can live eternal... it belongs to daily life that someday you have to go from this beautiful world and leaving good friends...

I agree in a big part with your opinion, to make effects handmade not by shaders and textures or special effects with great efforts... but sometimes little shaders can help also to make an interesting mood of a scene... you will see some day what I mean ;)

have all a nice day, bye, Lionheart (take a lunch dinner)

PS: add a little preview of a lw script making fractals and more... when it's ready I will post it here with some pictures... I have modified a sphere and it's changed shape and inner structures... and more...