View Full Version : RS232 Control with Window Box

24-03-2009, 03:47
Find attached a working copy.. Kinda clean and RS232 tested on monitor..
Changes, Went to nBytes to check if communications to RS232 was present.. If no comm, nBytes was 0, if comm, nBytes was at least a 1.

There are 2 reset, Monitor Reset and Reset. Monitor reset the monitor to a default stored in its eeprom, whereas RESET resets the current function to original value. If you started at 134 as a value, and went as far as 195 and decided you want back, hit reset.. restores to 134.

Added sleep 10 in RS232 area. I was using a HiSpeed USB to serial by Keyspan and it worked fine, but not on serial from computers or other USB to serial adapters. Sleep 10 fixed it just fine.

Rev is 19F

BTW, I tried to play with the IF Then statements a bit to clean, but I started to loose some display options. Also, It now goes up to port 15 since USB adapters can be out of the original 6 Coms I had.

Note, Communication to and from the monitor is HEX and display id Numeric (asc)

Guess thats it


Michael Hartlef
24-03-2009, 09:08
Welcome here and thanks for sharing.

And here is a wish from me. Could you please name the topic a little more meaningfull next time ? Then others can find it easier when they search the forum for some RS232 scripts.

Best wishes