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View Full Version : HTML help for TBGL?

16-12-2008, 20:33

I was wondering if your TBGL help file has been converted to HTML format as with the other tB help files?

The CHM file does not work for me (issues running Gecko under WINE haven't been solved yet), so I downloaded your very good PDF file - is this more or less what constitutes the TBGL help file?

Will it, upon completion, provide a complete listing of all the commands within the TBGL module?


Petr Schreiber
16-12-2008, 21:06
Hi Intio,

I am happy even Linux users dedicate some time to ThinBasic.

I can do HTML version for you, but there could be more painless and elegant solution.
I have Ubuntu PC at home as well, and I can read CHM without problem, via special program.

Did you tried GnoCHM (http://dhashi.wordpress.com/2007/05/23/chm-viewer-on-ubuntu/)?

I am not sure if you noticed it, but I am currently working on PDF version of TBGL help file ( suitable for printing, and Linux does PDF well too ).

Let me know,

Petr Schreiber
16-12-2008, 21:16

here is evident how distracted am I - I overlooked some parts of your post, my apologies :-[

The PDF file you downloaded represents about 5% of TBGL abilities, it is (continuous) work in progress.


P.S. Another option is xchm (http://xchm.sourceforge.net/), which was recommended to me by friend and I think that is what I have on my PC

this PDF is not considered true TBGL PDF manual, just help to you in emergency situation :)

Petr Schreiber
17-12-2008, 22:43

let me know if the quickdone PDF or Linux CHM readers worked for you, if not, I can try to come with different solution.


18-12-2008, 22:17
Hi Petr!

Firstly, sorry for taking a while to respond.

I'm aware that the PDF file you are currently working on is not yet finished, though I have enjoyed reading the most recent installment.

I'm currently having some problems downloading, so I can't try either the CHMtoPDF file yet, or the two utilities you suggested; however the CHMtoPDF file sounds like exactly what I want. Thanks for taking the time to make it available to me. ;)

I'll try downloading it again some time tomorrow, please don't take it down just yet.

Thanks again Petr.

Petr Schreiber
19-12-2008, 13:49
Hi Intio,

no problem, I understand we all have real lifes so sometimes is hard to react immediately.
Download problem with PDF ... I splitted the PDF to lot of smaller ones, I hope it will be easier for you to download them now.



Petr Schreiber
19-12-2008, 13:53
... and here rest of files :)

19-12-2008, 16:21
Downloads fine now, I just took the single 1.2M file.

Thanks for putting it up for me Petr, this is what I was after.

Petr Schreiber
19-12-2008, 16:48
Good :),

I hope it will serve well before full featured PDF manual will be out.
