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Petr Schreiber
10-09-2008, 11:54
Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know I am leaving for mini holiday till Saturday 13th, so I will not be able to react on any questions during that time. Once I will be back everything will go back to normal.

Have a nice time meanwhile,

10-09-2008, 12:21
;D dear petr, have some nice days to relax and come back with the same power :-) I have a little break with real life and some parties (beer, vine, "bratwürste", birthday of a friend), not so bad ;-D, but after that my head isn't quite fresh today...

servus, see you here in some days again, I hope so:-) lionheart

Michael Hartlef
10-09-2008, 16:27
Have a nice time Petr. :)

Petr Schreiber
13-09-2008, 12:45
Hi guys,

thanks, I am back, fully recharged.
Did you know there live stone giants in Slovakia ;) ?


Michael Hartlef
13-09-2008, 20:01
Wow, that is so cool.

15-09-2008, 09:41
Hi Petr,

I did not know you were a climber :)


Petr Schreiber
15-09-2008, 12:01
Hi Roberto,

climbing rocks I did few times, then it degenerated to climbing artificial walls and now ... I walk :D.
Fact is many hills were very steep, but still I would not call it climbing :-[


Michael Hartlef
15-09-2008, 12:10
climbing rocks I did few times, then it degenerated to climbing artificial walls and now ... I walk :D.

I guess you're getting old ;D

15-09-2008, 13:16

I don't think so, only after a reasonable time climbing on artificial walls became a quite boring activity, instead moving through a natural environment is entirely different!


Petr Schreiber
15-09-2008, 13:49

when I look at list of my activities, I found disturbing number of matches with senior citizen, time for change ;D
Roberto, you are right - live nature is live nature :)


15-09-2008, 15:13
hi all :) I am back again too.. but wasn't climbing only just visited a beautiful castle here in my nearby area (http://www.schlosshotel-wolfsbrunnen.de/) the "schloss-hotel wolfsbrunnen" and checked it for helicopter flying courses ;-) and some exciting "edgar allen poe dinner"... othersides I was walking through nature with girl friend and my dog... and today I have "Muskelkater"... stiffness and soreness (oh, that's not very nice words for my trained body !!!)... must laugh ;D

climbing rocks I did few times, then it degenerated to climbing artificial walls and now ... I walk Cheesy.
Fact is many hills were very steep, but still I would not call it climbing

... wow, I am afraid of climbing... have a lot of respect for the giants rocks...

I love the nature too:-) but nothing for me to walk up to the mountains, I prefer jogging, love the sea, but please no "cliff-hanging" tours like "reinhold messner" :D

... have a nice day, it's so cold here in my living room, the summer and the sun has gone :( good to hear, petr, that you are refreshed :-)))

bye, Lionheart

Petr Schreiber
15-09-2008, 15:34
Hi LionHeart,

good you are refreshed as well, that gyrocopter looks very good! :)
"Edgar allen poe dinner" ... I presume food served by raven, brings the meal, and answers question in your eyes: This it is, and nothing more :D
