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View Full Version : Microsoft worried over .NET fragmentation

15-08-2008, 06:14

15-08-2008, 06:43
Thanks Eros an interesting read.

I think you need like a dictator(executive panel) at the top of something like .net and Java. What they should do is have third party libraries be submitted or this group search existing popular libraries, and the top level guys pick, choose and modify them (to fit existing language characteristics) to make it part of the main distro in the end.

Having the freedom to make modules and libraries was great, is great and should be an available freedom still. I am sure many businesses have their own proprietary modules, but for the main language and features it would be nice to have this uniform assimilation process.

Having this sort of clean download would provide uniform manuals, help files and examples and make it a lot easier for new people coming in.

Michael Hartlef
15-08-2008, 11:49
Kent, this was not about 3rd party development, this was about Microsoft's internal problems with the communication between it's own development teams and their lack of designing their project to not overlap with each other. I would be worried too if I'm a .NET developer when I read something like this. Especially the last sentence, that describes the (only) solution to this problem. A layer on top of a layer. HELLO?!?! How crazy is that?

16-08-2008, 01:04
Mike, I was laughing too when I read that last line. The only good thing with that is hopefully it will get rid of the confusing .net naming they picked.

I can imagine I am new to computing and the web and I see .net as a url suffix and then I see all these languages for .net, it would be so confusing.

I got a good name for this new abstraction layer if they ever can pull it off: Arbiter
But knowing how Microsoft is, it should be called: YAAL (Yet Another Abstraction Layer)

Michael Hartlef
16-08-2008, 11:49