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25-05-2008, 13:53

Worth to navigate there for the many and complete documentations about windows programming, the many controls described, the many wrappers José has developed to simplify programmer's life, for the nice and professional forum having very kind and pro users.

Thanks José.

José Roca
25-05-2008, 18:24
It is not yet ready. It's a work in progress. Because the include files that come with the PB compilers only cover an small part of the Windows SDK, and also are outdated, I have been working in the translation of the latest Windows SDK (including Vista) to PB. I already have around 800 include files...

Currently, I'm writing wrappers for every message of the common controls. The documentation will show the syntax for the wrapper and also how to achieve the same result calling SendMessage.

I still need some months to finish the work. When ready, I will open a thread in my forum called The Windows API Project. Until then, the reference guides aren't useful because they are a draft that will be revised and modified, and document wrappers that aren't still available. Be patient :)

Petr Schreiber
25-05-2008, 18:36

you are incredible. To do complete Windows headers conversion is heroic task. If I would not know your other work, I would say it is almost impossible. But as I know you I am sure I can look forward to high quality conversion.

The documentation for ADO and others is perfect.

Keep up the fantastic work!


P.S. Good to put somewhere on the home page links to OpenGL and DirectX 9 headers, I think lot of people is hungry for it and I think nobody else did such a complete translation for PowerBASIC.

Michael Hartlef
25-05-2008, 19:12
Jose, you did and still do an awesone job for PB programmers. So a huge thank you from my side.

José Roca
25-05-2008, 21:07
Not having complete headers has always been a big drawback. Each time that I have needed to use API functions not included in the PB include files, I had to look at the MSDN documentation, translate it and include it in the program. Also, writing additional include files to extend and update the existing ones was a mess. I soon found that it took me much less time to translate it from scratch that having to check what was in or not in the existing one.

The reference guides are still in a draft stage. I'm collecting the material and doing a quick adaptation. I will revise them later. I plan to post many examples in my forum and the post will include direct links to the relevant documentation pages.

25-05-2008, 22:40
Jose, you really put the power in PowerBasic lately since updates are slow from the makers.