08-05-2008, 05:04
I thought I would start this thread so that we could share our color schemes and basic settings for thinAir.
Probably a good idea to take a screenshot of a window (ALT+Print SCR).
Then open up MSPaint and CTRL+V to paste it in.
You will need to crop the image to fit the window, but usually alt+printscr takes just the active window.
Once you paste, select the selection tool and just select around the window area you want to actually share.
Copy, then create a new MSPaint and past it into there.
File Save As nameofsheme.png file.
You will also want to attach your thinAirdat.ini
Located in your thinAir sub directory.
Probably a good idea to save a copy of your scheme that you like as
I will upload this scheme with any changes I make over time to this post, so this post will contain just this scheme updated.
Probably a good idea for other sheme sharers to do the same in their posts here in this topic.
Probably a good idea to take a screenshot of a window (ALT+Print SCR).
Then open up MSPaint and CTRL+V to paste it in.
You will need to crop the image to fit the window, but usually alt+printscr takes just the active window.
Once you paste, select the selection tool and just select around the window area you want to actually share.
Copy, then create a new MSPaint and past it into there.
File Save As nameofsheme.png file.
You will also want to attach your thinAirdat.ini
Located in your thinAir sub directory.
Probably a good idea to save a copy of your scheme that you like as
I will upload this scheme with any changes I make over time to this post, so this post will contain just this scheme updated.
Probably a good idea for other sheme sharers to do the same in their posts here in this topic.