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View Full Version : W.I.P. TBGL Solar System

03-05-2008, 14:43
Recently I came across this (http://planetpixelemporium.com/planets.html) site where you can download free textures of all the planets in the Solar System.

I've been busy downloaded the textures, resizing them to 1024 x 512 pixels & converting them to .bmp's. :D

I've started work putting together a Solar System, at the moment it's just a Work in Progress with a few textured spheres rotating on the screen but I hope to improve it soon.

Petr Schreiber
03-05-2008, 14:58
Hi Matthew,

thanks again, I am happy you are in 3D mood in last time :)

I've been busy downloaded the textures, resizing them to 1024 x 512 pixels & converting them to .bmp's. :D

I know it is boring to do the conversions, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel ( once thinBASIC XP only, TBGL will go for GDIPLUS = wider range of texture formats ).

I could not resist to put my dirty hands on your code ... again :D

As TBGL_Sphere produces 1 repetition for radius 1, I changed all planets to be radiused as "1", and their size adjustment is done using TBGL_Scale. This way the texture UV mapping fits as it should.

One tip> to make Sun look really hot :P, what about using Sun-only glow using render to texture ?


03-05-2008, 15:04
...One tip> to make Sun look really hot :P, what about using Sun-only glow using render to texture ?..

Good idea, I was thinking of something similar. :)

The Sun texture wasn't looking that good anyway. :D

Petr Schreiber
03-05-2008, 15:08
The Sun texture wasn't looking that good anyway. :D

Well, I think it is complicated to take photo of object which melts optics of any camera :)


03-05-2008, 15:21
Well, I think it is complicated to take photo of object which melts optics of any camera :)

lol :D

Petr Schreiber
04-05-2008, 14:05
Little experiment with entities and glow,
not a 3D Mark Vantage yet :)


04-05-2008, 15:13
Nice it looks good. :)

I also found this (http://community.thinbasic.com/index.php?topic=658.msg3882#msg3882) post that kryton made in 2007 which contains a lot of information regarding the sizes & distances of the planets.

Petr Schreiber
04-05-2008, 18:51

we will need to choose different size scaling for planets and distance,
else we won't be able to put all in one screen ( as one planet would be visible and others subpixel sized :) ).

Not speaking of Sun, why it must be so huge :D ?


04-05-2008, 23:27
Is the file solar_system.zip available somewhere else? I can't seem to get it to download from here.


05-05-2008, 00:17
You can get it here (http://matthew-4gl.wikispaces.com/space/showimage/solar_system.zip) Sandy. :)

05-05-2008, 04:06
Thank you! It downloaded without any problems.


05-05-2008, 06:15
Nice it looks good. :)

I also found this (http://community.thinbasic.com/index.php?topic=658.msg3882#msg3882) post that kryton made in 2007 which contains a lot of information regarding the sizes & distances of the planets.

I made the solar system to scale and size of the information you found that I had posted. I was shocked by the vastness. In fact it was almost impossible to fly around as I had hoped and to be able to find any of the planets. So just to see how long it would take at different rates of speed, I lined up all the planets and our moon in a straight line to the sun. I set the camera to pluto and flew in towards the sun. Even in a straight line of flight, to cover the distances between the outer planets in a decent time period, that speed would be too much for the inner planets. It really makes you appreciate what the space agencies around the world accomplished in missions to space.

I then realized making it Real was out of the question as it would be very boring going from point to point in a game.

05-05-2008, 08:26
I finally got to run these nice solar sim versions, thanks guys!