19-04-2008, 03:57
i need some help with the Win_FindByTitle function. Is there a way to get a list of all current open windows, instead of searching one by class or title.
In AHK there is the Function i search, in Example2
  WinGet, id, list,,, Program Manager
  Loop, %id%
it would be great if i could simulate this function with thinBasic, even if it is done by DllCall , which can be mapped quite easily in thinBasic.
The Same Function can be done with DllCall + Callback, perhaps somebody can help me to translate this into thinBasic syntax.
--------- start ----------
; Example: The following is a working script that displays a summary of all top-level windows.
; For performance and memory conservation, call RegisterCallback() only once for a given callback:
if not EnumAddress ; Fast-mode is okay because it will be called only from this thread:
EnumAddress := RegisterCallback("EnumWindowsProc", "Fast")
DetectHiddenWindows On ; Due to fast-mode, this setting will go into effect for the callback too.
; Pass control to EnumWindows(), which calls the callback repeatedly:
DllCall("EnumWindows", UInt, EnumAddress, UInt, 0)
MsgBox %Output% ; Display the information accumulated by the callback.
EnumWindowsProc(hwnd, lParam)
global Output
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %hwnd%
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %hwnd%
if title
Output .= "HWND: " . hwnd . "`tTitle: " . title . "`tClass: " . class . "`n"
return true ; Tell EnumWindows() to continue until all windows have been enumerated.
----------- end -----------
i managed the dllcall-alias syntax already, but the callback looks difficult ...
Declare Function EnumWindows Lib "user32.dll" ALIAS "EnumWindows" (ByVal lpEnumFunc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
its nice as its nearly the visualbasic syntax only enhanced with alias.
i want to port my ahk-script (real expose clone) to thinbasic, because there i can use opengl and other hdc/bitblt functions much easier.
i am wondering that nobody has used "printWindow" dllcall yet in thinBasic, as this is a very nice function to work with window-contents.
thanks for any links and tipps.
i need some help with the Win_FindByTitle function. Is there a way to get a list of all current open windows, instead of searching one by class or title.
In AHK there is the Function i search, in Example2
  WinGet, id, list,,, Program Manager
  Loop, %id%
it would be great if i could simulate this function with thinBasic, even if it is done by DllCall , which can be mapped quite easily in thinBasic.
The Same Function can be done with DllCall + Callback, perhaps somebody can help me to translate this into thinBasic syntax.
--------- start ----------
; Example: The following is a working script that displays a summary of all top-level windows.
; For performance and memory conservation, call RegisterCallback() only once for a given callback:
if not EnumAddress ; Fast-mode is okay because it will be called only from this thread:
EnumAddress := RegisterCallback("EnumWindowsProc", "Fast")
DetectHiddenWindows On ; Due to fast-mode, this setting will go into effect for the callback too.
; Pass control to EnumWindows(), which calls the callback repeatedly:
DllCall("EnumWindows", UInt, EnumAddress, UInt, 0)
MsgBox %Output% ; Display the information accumulated by the callback.
EnumWindowsProc(hwnd, lParam)
global Output
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %hwnd%
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %hwnd%
if title
Output .= "HWND: " . hwnd . "`tTitle: " . title . "`tClass: " . class . "`n"
return true ; Tell EnumWindows() to continue until all windows have been enumerated.
----------- end -----------
i managed the dllcall-alias syntax already, but the callback looks difficult ...
Declare Function EnumWindows Lib "user32.dll" ALIAS "EnumWindows" (ByVal lpEnumFunc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
its nice as its nearly the visualbasic syntax only enhanced with alias.
i want to port my ahk-script (real expose clone) to thinbasic, because there i can use opengl and other hdc/bitblt functions much easier.
i am wondering that nobody has used "printWindow" dllcall yet in thinBasic, as this is a very nice function to work with window-contents.
thanks for any links and tipps.