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View Full Version : Whats the best way?

Michael Clease
02-03-2008, 12:43

This is a follow on from the above thread.

I was thinking about a way for me to switch quads on and off or delete them.

I have a screen of quads 10*10 and I want a quick way to draw them and be able to add or remove each quad.

some ideas please. ;)

Petr Schreiber
02-03-2008, 13:13

entity system & TBGL_EntitySetUse/TBGL_EntityGetUse should do the job.

I will post sample tonight, I am sorry that not now but I have to do some work and setting "tonight" border is only way to complete the job without diving in and out to thinBASIC all the day as usually ( I became addict :D ).

For little hint please see this thread (http://community.thinbasic.com/index.php?topic=1382.msg9728#msg9728).


Petr Schreiber
02-03-2008, 22:36
Here is little example,

rendering 10x10 grid, with random enabling/disabling of tiles.
Might be also ok for understanding, but I think that tile scrolling we solved with Mike Hartlef is even better ( but without any use switches :P ).


02-03-2008, 23:42
I love that demo. Reminds me of a super computer in movies from the 1950's. Just need some bleeping and booping sounds with flashing colored quads :)

Michael Clease
03-03-2008, 00:56
Thanks Petr.

I looked at the other thread and it worked for me, I was getting 25 FPS but it jumped to 70.