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View Full Version : Something To Shoot - Latest preview & 0.2.1 improvements

Petr Schreiber
30-11-2007, 13:53

here is another demo, we worked on it with Kent and got very good suggestions from Mike too, so again teamwork.

Take it as technology demo more than complete game but I am sure you will find some useful techniques in the code.

- terrain walking
- shooting of rockets ( Eros, do you hear :D )
- poor victim flying in balloon ( invisible doctor Aeraix )
- balloon throws random entities at the player
- sound & synth voice & original music score

Missing features:
- reaction of player in case of being hit
- collision of rockets with terrain

To minimize download size, I had to resample bitmaps. I realize problem with graphic format loading ( other than code friendly but bloated BMP and TGA ) is something which I should really solve.

You can use WSAD + mouse to look around, left mouse button to shoot rockets.


30-11-2007, 16:27
Well, fantasy has no limits here but (Petr, can you hear me ;) ) real satisfaction is not in shooting but in destroying and here I cannot destroy anything. I'm really disappointed!

Apart that, ... my second day WOW :o

Good job from a good teamwork!
Thanks a lot to all.

Petr Schreiber
30-11-2007, 16:32

Did you noticed that once rocket hits the balloon, balloon starts to move, because of the hole caused by the rocket ( which gets fixed magically after some time ).
Not enough your victim is ... moving :) ?

I know you want blood. Just wait a little bit more time ;)


30-11-2007, 16:44
No, I didn't notice. My fault sorry :-[
That behave is to much realistic. I'm too much arcade !

Petr Schreiber
30-11-2007, 16:55
Maybe some particles could mark air breathing out of the balloon, hmm... :)


30-11-2007, 19:23
There is no end to what all we could add. We could have kept adding stuff for another 6 months :)
That is cool things about working with creative people... the ideas never end.

But we thought this would be a good base and forum members could add their own objects and ideas on to this example.

What you do see is the beauty of the entity system. If you think about the moving balloon, the player moving... the Professor targeting you and throwing things that rotate down to where you are... and of course we shoot rockets that spiral, and move from our view... all very complicated math, but hidden with easy new tbgl entity commands. It is a thing of beauty.

30-11-2007, 20:55
The more I play the more the best it is. I also remain astonished by the speed that the new entity engine brings to a scripted language.

What a present :o


Petr Schreiber
30-11-2007, 21:57
Hi Eros,

thanks for nice words!
As usual, I felt in deep depression when I saw your framerate :D


01-12-2007, 00:48
Oh my... is that 200+ FPS?

If so I am bow in awe!!! I am getting only 40FPS and I thought that was good :)

Michael Hartlef
01-12-2007, 10:42
Yeah, the entity system real brought a lot to TBGL.

01-12-2007, 15:05
This is the ... beast I've always with me:


01-12-2007, 21:57
Eros that is a sweet looking notebook. I love the carbon fiber look, very sleek and perfect to house such a power system as you have !

Petr Schreiber
01-12-2007, 23:07
Not only fast,

even looks cool...


Michael Hartlef
01-12-2007, 23:25
Mmmh, wanna trade? Great book you have. :)

03-12-2007, 03:10
I hate to do this but since my internet provider was down and then managed to get back up I've been having problems. I would like to get the file 'TerrainMovement11.zip' but can't get it to download. I suspect that the problem is my provider but can't prove it.

Can anyone who has the time help me get the file?

I would appreciate any help I can get.


Petr Schreiber
03-12-2007, 11:30
Hi Sandy,

is there any "secure" filesize you know you can download without problems ?

I could split the ZIP file to multiple little ones ( each 200kB ) which you would download one by one and then you would just run script which would connect them back to one big file.

What do you think ?


03-12-2007, 16:51
If someone could try to email it to me I'd appreciate it.



03-12-2007, 17:06
Just sent.

04-12-2007, 02:37
Huge thank yous. File arrived just fine. I appreciate it more than I can say.
