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View Full Version : New TBGL related article that r.o.c.k.s, on TBGL website!

Petr Schreiber
08-11-2007, 22:44
Hi all,

I am very excited to announce postmortem for AirDogs 1942 is available as article entirely written by game developer himself - Mike !

Article is very well done, covering the whole process of creating the game from idea to final game.
Do not wait, and immediatelly visit the link below:

PostMortem: AirDogs 1942 (http://psch.thinbasic.com/articles_postmortem_airdogs1942.html)

Real must-read both for TBGL newbie and veterans 8)
BIG thanks to Mike again !


08-11-2007, 23:28

it has been a great pleasure to read your article. Great attention to details and strong determination to reach a predefined target.
I like very much your "Conclusion", something we need to keep in mind when working on projects: a target, a path, some middle milestones, no distractions. Finish. Satisfaction. Start again for new features and improvements.

Nothing less and nothing more than a big, big thanks.

09-11-2007, 00:09

At first my compliment for your site. Simple and clear and nice colors. How did you made it, by hand coded HTML, editor or is it a CMS?

About the article: I'm no game programmer but I must confess that the game programmers are a breed apart and do a very good job in plotting, graphic design, and contribute their own insight in software architecture. Professional programmers can learn from them  :)

.... Start again for new features and improvements.....

May I also add the Forth methodology formulated by Jeff Fox: http://www.ultratechnology.com/method.htm to our community invented by the inventor of Forth, Charles Moore http://www.colorforth.com/.

09-11-2007, 02:07
May I also add the Forth methodology formulated by Jeff Fox: http://www.ultratechnology.com/method.htm to our community invented by the inventor of Forth, Charles Moore http://www.colorforth.com/.

Absolutely something to agree with ;)

09-11-2007, 03:00
Wonderful addition to the already fine existing articles Petr.

Thanks Mike, a really well laid out and presented article. You did a great job in conveying your work and thought processes!!
I will refer to it for inspiration that is for sure!

Marcel, interesting links, thanks.

Michael Hartlef
09-11-2007, 08:07
Thanks guys and I'm very glad that you liked it. At the end I wasn't sure if it was worth reading.

Marcel, thanks for the links. Definately worth reading too.

Petr Schreiber
09-11-2007, 10:03

thanks! The static part of the web ( with articles, tutorials, ... ) is hand coded HTML.
In fact it is simple table + CSS file to define look of common things ( links, headers, image borders ).
This way it takes longer to setup new page, but it helps to keep code as simple as possible.

And thanks for the links!

At the end I wasn't sure if it was worth reading.

Mike, this is always my problem when just finished article :)
But yours is really good one, I am very happy it is on the website !
