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View Full Version : TBGL 0.2.1 - Entities out of cage !

Petr Schreiber
26-10-2007, 19:36
Dear all !,

after longer time, with thinBASIC you get major TBGL update.

Version 0.2.1 is based on your suggestions, so first big thanks for cooperation!

What's improved ?
As Mike suggested, TBGL_ClearFrame is now much more customizable. Want to just erase depth, just color, just reset view ? Specify what you need and you got it !

True Type font creation is now not dependant on UI module function too.

As with every release, complete TBGL internal code has been revised, screws tightened here and there so this release should again bring little speed improvements, in worst case

What's fixed
Last version was not very problematic, but TBGL_GetFrameRate returned always integer number. We are not in ideal world, this was simply wrong. New version has this fixed.

What's new?
I thought you would never ask ;D.

What about loading textures from memory, Abraxas ? BMP and TGA files, even raw RGB or RGBA buffers. Make your own texture format and bind data as you need and when you need.

Vertical synchronization - do you want to render as fast as possible or just keep step with refresh rate of your LCD. TBGL_UseVsync is here at your service ;)

But the biggest thing which comes in new TBGL is ... ( sound of fanfare ) ... entity system ! You can now organize entities in scenes.

Do you like limits ? Me definitely not. So what about unlimited number of entities. Just throw them to the world. One, two, hundred, thousands !

Ok entities, but which kinds we have here ? Cameras, lights, geometric primitives, display lists, models ... and you can interface with them in unified manner.

Set them color, set them texture. Place them on exact location, rotate them. Push them, make them disappear. And thats not all !

So please do not hesitate and start to experiment ! Pick new samples attached to this post ot see little portion of what you can do with new TBGL!

... hmm ok, but what more is new ?
New thinBASIC comes with completely face-lifted SampleScripts, no more old syntax, just latest and hottest of course :)

There is one new script, TBGL_Demo6_MovingIn3D_UsingEntitySystem.tbasic. If you remember original version, you probably know to move in space you needed SIN/COS calculations.

Dirty math! Go away!

Modified version uses entities exclusively, so no more goniometric headache, just push and turn camera object and that is all! Old version is still distributed, so you can see what you do not have to struggle with.

Ok, that were sample scripts. But most people start browsing the helpfile. It has be revised, it has been expanded. Even with some pictures :).

Almost every new TBGL command has code sample attached, even some older ones were revised to be more clear.
Detailed descriptions and possible bottlenecks, you can get this information here!

I hope you will like new TBGL model. It of course maintains 100% compatibility with current scripts. But entities are too useful to resist, don't be scared of them start to use them today! :D

At the end I would like to thank again to all who suggested new features and one special thanks to Eros, which showed me way to store entities without big struggle. Thanks again !

If your eyes are not bleeding from all the text you just read, please have a look at new help file and click "What's new / Version 0.2.1" section to see complete set of functionalities.

Please enjoy,

P.S. Thanks to improved thinBASIC core, possible TBGL run time errors are reported using standard thinBASIC RTE dialog

26-10-2007, 19:44
You astonished me once again !

26-10-2007, 20:16
nice update 8)

Petr Schreiber
26-10-2007, 20:17
Thanks guys,
this is only the beginning :D


Michael Hartlef
26-10-2007, 20:32
Man, thank you SOOOOOO MUCH for this update and listen to my wishes. You are great!!!! :)

Petr Schreiber
26-10-2007, 20:39
Thanks Mike,

you did perfect job on testing and suggesting ;), so I hope it will be usable for you.
I have head like a balloon, full of possible future improvements :)
Better in smaller steps but we will get there.


Michael Hartlef
26-10-2007, 20:58
Let me know when your head is free for more suggestions. But this is a great update. I really have to dig into this to show the community what is possible with the new features.

Petr Schreiber
26-10-2007, 21:05

you can put suggestions as you need,
I can have it accessible in suggestions subforum at any time - so even right in moment when my head deballoonizes :)

I am really curious about your new creations!


26-10-2007, 21:57
Petr, this is really phenomenal. If this release was done on a stage to a crowd, I would give you a long standing ovation!! This is such a leap in bringing so much simplicity to a very complicated process. I can't wait to soak it all in and start to use it!!

Petr Schreiber
26-10-2007, 22:33
Thanks Kent,

your test of script stability, running it for day and night, is really something to have respect from too ;)


27-10-2007, 00:08
Looking at the examples produced to demonstrate new functionalities, it seems so powerful.
With very few lines of code it is possible to render so complex scenes and leave TBGL engine do the hard work while programmer is more concentrated on behave of the objects.

Great work Petr. Hope to see more scripts working with the new engine.


Michael Clease
27-10-2007, 10:40
thanks for the update.

I haven't had time to try it yet but I will try and find time tonight.

Michael Clease
27-10-2007, 11:22
I think there might be a problem with your TGA routine seems to crash.

TBGL_LoadTexture App_SourcePath+"Textures\cloud01.tga",12, %TBGL_TEX_MIPMAP

Petr Schreiber
27-10-2007, 12:21
My apologies,

here is fixed version attached ( or wait till next preview ).
When working on MakeTexture I redesigned whole TGA loading, and introduced bug :-[
Just copy the file to thinBASIC\Lib directory.

Thanks for reporting it,


Michael Clease
27-10-2007, 15:29
thanks works ok now. ;)

Petr Schreiber
27-10-2007, 15:33
Bug found = add new script ;)

So here is very basic machine gun ( yes that bug made me angry :D )
You can rotate it using arrows, and then try to hold CTRL to see the circus ;)


27-10-2007, 16:15
I like the machine gun ;D

Michael Hartlef
27-10-2007, 16:48
Cool sample Petr!

Petr Schreiber
27-10-2007, 20:04
Thanks :),


27-10-2007, 23:29
Oh man, cool gun demo. Love the gun speeding up and then slowing down!!

28-10-2007, 12:30
Hey Petr, this script is fantastic but ... nothing to hit or to destroy :D

(... I think I will destroyed ... :'( )

Petr Schreiber
28-10-2007, 15:16
I knew you will say it ;D,

well, I have idea what could be shot using this this power gun, just give me some days :D
