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View Full Version : Another new vaporware: multiline strings

07-10-2007, 22:50
What about a new mad feature: multiline feature made easy to create big strings. You just need to close with " at the end after many lines of code. This can be useful for CGI applications where you have to output HTML code.
Also concatenation and assignment using same notation as php, that is using point.


dim s as string

s = "This is a multiline string. Next thinBasic release
will support this kind of statements. Still some
features to be fixed like
- leave left spaces or tabs as formatted by user
- let thinAir understand multilines string
In any case, so far, this feature seems quite powerful.

s .= "----------------------------------------------------------------------
Strings can also be concatenated using . (point)
like in php scripting language

s .= "----------------------------------------------------------------------
Concatenation with . can also takes place in parsin.
Here for example you should see the number 100:" . str$(10*10) . "
and here the len of this string since it was before this last
concatenation: " . len(s) . $crlf

s .= "----------------------------------------------------------------------
What do you think? :D"

msgbox 0, s

Get attached thinCore.dll file and if you have some time to test, let me know results.

Thanks a lot

2007.10.08: fixed incorrect delimiter error reported by Petr.

attached file removed. Feature already present in current thinBasic preview release.

08-10-2007, 01:28
I haven't had a chance to try it out, but I love the PHP style of using a "." for concatenation.

Straying a bit from the BASIC syntax, perhaps, but I'm not a BASIC purist so I don't mind doing things differently.


08-10-2007, 01:40
Eros, it worked fine on this end. Nice new features, thanks!

Petr Schreiber
08-10-2007, 10:06
Hi Eros,

works here too :)

I like the multilining, "+ _ is also usable but this new way is faster, and as you said ideal for HTML and such a things :)


Petr Schreiber
08-10-2007, 13:12

core you attached has some parsing engine problem :(
Try to execute following:

dim index as single
index = 10.1 + rnd

On my PC I get "Invalid delimiter" on second line, additional info reports "1513"


08-10-2007, 14:46
Thanks Petr, that's why we use "vaporware" announcements :D

Very strange, complex scripts run while this little beast not!
100% sure a dummy error from my late night programming sessions.

Thanks a lot. I will check at home this evening.


08-10-2007, 15:50
Fixed. Attachment in first post of this thread updated.
As suspected a late night change: inversion of 2 equates.

Let me know.

Petr Schreiber
08-10-2007, 16:00
Now it works,

thanks a lot!
