View Full Version : windows game?

28-09-2007, 23:16
There was a game that was shipped with windows at one time. I remember playing it but now can't remember what it's name is. I have windows xp home and it looks like the game is no longer included with windows.

It was made up of a bunch of squares with paths between the blocks. You used the arrow keys to guide a ship around trying to shoot the enemy ships that roamed around.

Does anybody remember this game and it's name?


29-09-2007, 07:36
I don't recall such a game at all... I am curios to know what it could be?

Michael Hartlef
29-09-2007, 10:05
Nope, never saw this since win95 at least. Was it in the PLUS package?

Michael Clease
29-09-2007, 11:07
I been using windows since win3.0 and I dont recall it i agree with mike it sounds like a plus pack.

29-09-2007, 15:40
I'm afraid that it was so many years ago that I don't remember too much about the game. I'm probably wrong about it coming with windows. I'll keep searching for it and see if I can find more information about it.


Petr Schreiber
29-09-2007, 16:11
I do not know either,

there is article on wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Plus!) about Plus packs, but nothing which could be similar to your description.


29-09-2007, 17:32
I can't find any kind of information anywhere on the internet. I guess I'll have to learn how to do graphics and write my own version.


30-09-2007, 14:54
May be you are speaking about Hover? If true you can download it from here:


30-09-2007, 19:54
Roberto, Thanks for trying to help. I looked at the screen shots from Hover and it isn't the game I was thinking about.

The game I was thinking about had very primitive graphics. The playing field was made up of 32 blocks with 16 blocks in a row and 16 rows forming a square.

I've started work on a version but things are going very slow. I'm having trouble using paint to create my own spaceship. I've never attempted to do this before so I'll probably have to keep trying until I get a nice one. One of the problems is that the spaceship has to be small to be able to move in the corridors created by the arrangement of the blocks.

I'll try to make a screen shot of the playing field sometime in the next few days so what I'm talking about will make sense.


Petr Schreiber
30-09-2007, 20:29
Hi Sandy,

I am happy to hear you started to work on the game !
When you will need something just post here code request :)


30-09-2007, 22:51
Sandy, request help of any kind, even artwork, models etc. And of course code help too as Petr mentioned.

You can just make a pencil sketch or even link to a similar idea or concept artwise on the web and we can help from those too.
But it is lots of fun making drawings, so I am glad you taking on the challenge. You will enjoy it.

You might want to try these paint programs instead of paint, it will be harder to learn, but also so much more you can do easier.
Although I have seen some incredible MS Paint movies where the artists goes quickly through a project, like the Mona Lisa,
amazing to watch.


Michael Hartlef
01-10-2007, 21:01
Yes Sandy, if you can come up with a drawing, I'm sure the artists here on the board will have fun playing with their toys to come up with something.
Or try to descripe the game a little and how it should look like. What graphical objects are needed. Then someone could let their imagination run crazy. :)

02-10-2007, 04:00
I've decided to try GIMP. I've got it downloaded but not installed. I'm hoping it is better than ms paint. I'm still working on something I can post and when I have anything I'm not ashamed of I put it here.

Thanks for all the encouragement.

02-10-2007, 22:38
Just have fun Sandy. Do searches for GIMP Tutorials, then once you found a few good sites you like it makes it easier to learn going through a few of them.