View Full Version : DirectX 10.1: change again specs

13-08-2007, 23:26

14-08-2007, 00:24
Why does microsoft do these kind of stupid things.... just when after so many years I was warming up to them, they pull another one of their terrible moves.

I bought and developed heavily in the first version of Access. Then within a year or two, all my work wouldn't work without changes in another version. That is when I swore of off using Microsoft, but then seeing how everyone is going with Visual Studio and how it is now more compliant with standards then ever, I thought well they see their mistakes, forgive and forget.... then you read about DX10 and this is not only new software but requiring new hardware. That is sooooo crazy!!

Michael Hartlef
14-08-2007, 06:48
That is why I don't run with the latest hype.

Petr Schreiber
14-08-2007, 10:00

this is not funny :)

I wonder if 10.1 features will go at least on software, like it was possible to run DX9 game on DX8 hardware.
On other side, new "shader model" means that in best case shaders would run in software when running on DX 10 card, and this is huge performance penalty when you take that most games now use shaders on almost any surface.

... or you will be forced to do two versions of shaders ( if not more ) for each architecture. I think this came to early, considering no 100% DX10 title is out.

Here is MS DX presentation (http://download.microsoft.com/download/e/5/5/e5594812-cdaa-4e25-9cc0-c02096093ceb/the%20future%20of%20directx.zip) - no single piece of code shown, PPT format, what a killer combo :D
It is quite full of very blurry info like "HDTV quality, CG Movie Quality", "Triangles - 3 vertices" ( not joking :( ).

It also shows something what I think is ATi tesselation unit support. It is interesting, but NVIDIA G80 does not have it yet ( according to my info ) so bigger use of it will be probably on the next generation of GeForces and
Radeons. IF this will get massive use, current top models will not be of much use. Which sounds bad.

I don't think new DirectX is wrong, but it definetely came sooner than it should + binding it to Vista SP1 is another interesting trick.


14-08-2007, 17:40
First of all, that bit of news comes from the Inquirer and nowhere else. Judging from past experiences I would not trust explicitly everything that comes from the Inquirer. In addition, there's plenty of time before we start getting DX10.1 games. I reckon we don't have to worry for quite a few years to come. Heck... we have yet to see more than a few DX10 games and I mean those games that are extensively using the new technology, not just bits and pieces of it.


Petr Schreiber
14-08-2007, 21:21

I agree Inquirer does not seem to look to reliable to me too :)
I have seen this info somewhere else too... But until we will get first implementations all is just guess.

Well DX 10.1 is in bakery, thats sure.
