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View Full Version : TBGL Help file

Michael Clease
31-05-2007, 13:47
I dont see a help file for TBGL anywhere listing all the commands, can you point me in the right direction where to find the info.

I know about NeHe (thats how i discovered TB) and Gamedev.net, I wanted to start doing OpenGL work again.



Petr Schreiber
31-05-2007, 14:10
Hi Abraxas!,

TBGL has its own help file in thinBasic installation directory \ Help ( for example "C:\thinbasic\help\thinbasic_tbgl.chm" ).
If you want to explore it even more, please visit http://psch.thinbasic.com/ .

Help file now has not lot of samples inside, but you can find various scripts over the forum, in SampleScripts/TBGL directory and on the mentioned website.

You can add helpfile to menu in thinAir using Options/Help.
You can also click on tbgl keyword in thinAir and press F1 key.


Michael Clease
31-05-2007, 14:18
thanks for the quick response and now the that explains the Help section in the options.

01-06-2007, 02:37
How come tbgl isn't part of the help without having to be added Petr? I think it definitly is at a point to be integral in the help system.

Michael Clease
01-06-2007, 08:15
arent they maintained by 2 different people psch and Eros.

Petr Schreiber
01-06-2007, 09:48

I know it would be much more comfortable to have all in one.
Problem could be I and Eros use different tools to create the help, I must talk to Eros about possibility of help file assimilation :)


01-06-2007, 12:04
Hi all,

in order to be clear and not create confusion ...

thinBasic allows 3rd party developer to create their own thinBasic module extensions. So everyone of you can create extensions for thinBasic.
Petr created TBGL using thinBasic SDK for Power Basic. TBGL is not a module developed by thinBasic but by Petr. TBGL is Petr's property and we (thinBasic) do not own any copyright on it. So, for thinBasic, TBGL is a 3rd party independant module. As a good developer like Petr is, one of his responsibility should be to maintain an help file. And this is what he did in a good and professional way. One day Petr can even stop developing TBGL or even ask thinBasic to remove TBGL from official release, for any reasons. Or one day Petr can even ask to remove TBGL as free module because he will start a commercial distribution. And we will have to accept this request: TBGL is not our work, we do not own the sources.

Roberto added to thinAir the possibility to add 3rd party help files in order to be searched when F1 key is pressed over a keyword. If you add TBGL help file into thinAir help menu you will get help about TBGL keywords when pressing F1 and the cursor is above a TBGL reference.

The cooperation Roberto and I have with Petr is (is and not was) more than a cooperation. For us Petr is like a full thinBasic team member. But from a point of view of thinBasic module development, TBGL is a 3rd party module.

That said, I will be happy to included TBGL into thinBasic help. Like I did for TBDI module (Direct Input module from Mike) I can do for TBGL. The only thing I cannot guarantee is that my timing will be the same of new TBGL releases (maybe I will delay a bit in case of massive help changes). But if this can be accepted, I can include TBGL help into thinBasic help file.


I've already talked with Petr and we agree to include TBGL help into thinBasic help.
For future the rule will be that if a module is ditributed with thinBasic setup, thinBasic will maintain module help.
I will add a note for 3rd party developed module into help file giving credit to module author.

Michael Hartlef
01-06-2007, 13:08
My vote is to leave it seperate, for the reason Eros mentioned.

Petr would have to document it for Eros anyway so it would be double work.