Michael Clease
27-05-2007, 23:14
' Usage of the CHR$ Keyword example
' Return ASCII character from a number
' Written by Abraxas
dim MyNumbers(11) as byte value = 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111 , 114, 108, 100
DIM sMsg as string
DIM n as byte
For n = 1 to ubound(Mynumbers) ' UBOUND() returns the size of the array
sMsg += CHR$(myNumbers(n))
MsgBox 0, sMsg
' Return ASCII character from a number
' Written by Abraxas
dim MyNumbers(11) as byte value = 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111 , 114, 108, 100
DIM sMsg as string
DIM n as byte
For n = 1 to ubound(Mynumbers) ' UBOUND() returns the size of the array
sMsg += CHR$(myNumbers(n))
MsgBox 0, sMsg