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View Full Version : NeHe Lesson20

12-04-2007, 19:08
NeHe Lesson20 will allow you to toggle Masking On/Off, Switch between Two Scenes and show you how to use Masking in your Programmes.

Keyboard Controls...

'M' - Toggle Masking

SpaceBar - Toggle between Two Scenes

Petr Schreiber
12-04-2007, 19:49
Hi Matthew,

another perfect lesson !
I remember it was quite hell to do alpha test on Radeon 7000.
My current card luckily handles it very fast :)

What is your experience with performance of this technique ?


P.S. Little bonus - remastered old script showing similar technique using TGA ( picture + mask in one file ) :)

12-04-2007, 19:51
Matthew, what to say other than thanks!

Petr, your bonus if perfect for a specific tutorial ;)

12-04-2007, 20:00
@Petr - The Programme seems to run at a decent speed on my PC.

That TGA Masking Example looks really good and runs at a good speed. :)

@ErosOlmi - Thanks ;D

12-04-2007, 20:17
On my pc all examples seem too fast ;D

Petr Schreiber
12-04-2007, 20:37
Ok then,

Eros, as you are not from Earth, it is natural your alien-neuralweb-PC runs all at maxx speed :D
But it still shocks me every day ;D


12-04-2007, 20:51
Mathew and Petr, wow some cool opengl magic in those examples as in lesson 24. Thanks will study more in the coming days, really neat examples and code thanks so much.