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Petr Schreiber
03-04-2007, 15:42
Hi all,

after some time I decided to show you new look of TBGL website.
Why I changed it ?

#1 Old web used frames, which can be interpreted in bad way sometimes, and it made it hard to link to sub-pages of the site.

#2 TBGL evolved ( hehe ), so new website will mark this change

#3 Readibility. White text on brown background ... that was wild for someone. I hope new layout will be easier to read.
Also fixed width should make look text better structured.

I know new web is not perfect, and if you have any suggestions please let me know.
Regarding tutorials, you can still access the old articles, but I will rewrite them to new syntax.

You can see even now remake of "Introduction to TBGL" under tutorials, please let me know if it is acceptable how is it done, then I will continue with next lessons.

Adress: http://psch.thinbasic.com/


03-04-2007, 16:15
Good job Petr!
Hope more users will come and:

get your fantastic thinEdge
M15 file format will spread all over the world


Petr Schreiber
03-04-2007, 20:04
Thank you Eros !,

I hope site will be live and getting better.
After longer pause I am returning to do some final touches to thinEdge ( for, not final :) ) too


Michael Hartlef
03-04-2007, 20:38
Yes Petr, it really looks good. Very serious and professional. Great job.

03-04-2007, 21:03
Hey Petr,

I like your new site design.


04-04-2007, 06:44
Very nice Petr, don't have to check it all out yet, but just glancing it looks really nice. Great job!!

04-04-2007, 06:45
Mike, your site changed too? I remember your site with the nice fantom logo, couldn't find it again.

Michael Hartlef
04-04-2007, 07:28
It is just a placeholder. I took everything offline.

04-04-2007, 09:24

I also like your new site design, but I found two things to point out:

I don't understand the meaning of Site sections and thinBASIC web (orange text) on Home page

The MouseOver effect (I mean the change of text size those outside of menu) give an 'instability touch' to the page

Of course they are only my opinion, other guys could find them meaningful.


Petr Schreiber
04-04-2007, 09:38
Hi guys,

thank you !

Roberto, I will remove the mouse over, but I didn't realized any troubles in Explorer, Opera and Firefox I have installed. But it is true in normal text it can be annoying:)

Meaning of orange side comments ? I intentioned it for faster orientation on page.
They also mark code being/end in tutorials.


Michael Hartlef
04-04-2007, 12:03
Petr, did you code the site by hand or used a tool?

Petr Schreiber
04-04-2007, 12:36
Hi Mike,

this is very basic page, so just notepad / PSPad.
It is nothing more than big table filled with images and text.
Lot of setup is hidden in CSS file, so I can easily change color/behaviour layout from there. But you probably know this "technology" ;D

Roberto, link mouseover instability touch is removed, hope you like it better now :)
Link "zoom" is now working only in menus ( should be :) ).


04-04-2007, 13:54

Thanks for the explanations!
The mouse over was not a trouble, it's only my preference don't be "disturbed" while I am reading; therefore for me now is better.
