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View Full Version : TBGL makes OpenGL so easy

10-02-2007, 02:00
Petr, tbgl makes OpenGL so easy. As you know I have been trying to learn OpenGL more in depth and nothing compares to what you have done with tbgl. Thanks, but you are spoiling me, it makes it hard to learn the stuff underneath :) I will never probably have the understanding that you do, but I hope to get as close as I can. Will keep pluggin away, but thanks for your efforts in TBGL, it is amazing!!

Petr Schreiber
10-02-2007, 10:50

good to read such a posts after waking up ;D

Thanks! I try to improve TBGL more and more.
Hope you will learn more from new tutorials I am prepairng.
The first ones are not new regarding the graphic output, but they will reflect advance in TBGL syntax and make some stuff shorter / more detailed. Especially light tutorial will be more interesting I hope.


10-02-2007, 19:46
Thanks Petr, can't wait to go through them, thank for the work!!