09-02-2007, 07:25
Lesson #6 is now working on my computer. Finally get to see it, neat.
Did a very slight mod to it. Just move your mouse in a nice circular motion so the diameter is almost the size of the window vertical.
' Lesson #6 from thinBASIC TBGL tutorials
' "Primitives and lighting"
' by Petr Schreiber
' Downloaded from
Uses "TBGL"
uses "UI"
%WM_LBUTTONDOWN = &H201 ' Codes for window messages
dim hWnd as dword
Dim Msg, wParam, lParam, x, y, hFont as dword
Dim LightX, LightY, LightIntensity as single
LightIntensity = 200
hWnd = tbgl_CreateWindow("Lesson #6 :: Interactive light - press ESC to quit")
' We will use simple Courier font
hFont = Font_Create("Courier New", 10)
tbgl_BuildFont hFont
' One light source will be in whole scene
tbgl_UseLightSource %GL_LIGHT0, 1
GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_ESCAPE) ' Resets ESC key status before checking
while IsWindow(hWnd)
' We will declare the position and intensity of light first, and then we will draw rest of the scene
tbgl_SetupLightSource %GL_LIGHT0, LightX, LightY, -9, 255, 255, 255, LightIntensity
if GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_ESCAPE) THEN exit while
Msg = getMessage(hWnd, wParam, lParam)
' '---Now test the message
if Msg = %WM_MOUSEMOVE then
' Unprecise but usable remaping of mouse cursor position
dialog get client hWnd to x, y
LightX = (lowrd(lParam)-x/2)/60
LightY = (y/2-hiwrd(lParam))/60
elseif Msg = %WM_LBUTTONDOWN then
LightIntensity += 20
if LightIntensity > 255 then LightIntensity = 255
elseif Msg = %WM_RBUTTONDOWN then
LightIntensity -= 20
if LightIntensity < 0 then LightIntensity = 0
end if
' I want to use lighting ! ...
tbgl_UseLighting 1
' Simple scene
tbgl_Translate 0,0,-10
tbgl_Rotate LightX*30,1,0,0
tbgl_Color 0,128,0
tbgl_Torus 0.5, 2
tbgl_Color 128,0,0
tbgl_Translate 0,LightY,0
tbgl_Sphere 0.5
' ... but not for the text
tbgl_UseLighting 0
' Let's print some info
tbgl_Color 255,200,0
tbgl_PrintFont "Move your mouse over screen", -0.19, 0.35, -1
tbgl_PrintFont "... and watch the light.", -0.19, 0.33, -1
tbgl_PrintFont "Change intensity using Left and Right clicks", -0.45, -0.31, -1
tbgl_PrintFont "Intesnity:"+STR$(LightIntensity), -0.45, -0.29, -1
Did a very slight mod to it. Just move your mouse in a nice circular motion so the diameter is almost the size of the window vertical.
' Lesson #6 from thinBASIC TBGL tutorials
' "Primitives and lighting"
' by Petr Schreiber
' Downloaded from
Uses "TBGL"
uses "UI"
%WM_LBUTTONDOWN = &H201 ' Codes for window messages
dim hWnd as dword
Dim Msg, wParam, lParam, x, y, hFont as dword
Dim LightX, LightY, LightIntensity as single
LightIntensity = 200
hWnd = tbgl_CreateWindow("Lesson #6 :: Interactive light - press ESC to quit")
' We will use simple Courier font
hFont = Font_Create("Courier New", 10)
tbgl_BuildFont hFont
' One light source will be in whole scene
tbgl_UseLightSource %GL_LIGHT0, 1
GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_ESCAPE) ' Resets ESC key status before checking
while IsWindow(hWnd)
' We will declare the position and intensity of light first, and then we will draw rest of the scene
tbgl_SetupLightSource %GL_LIGHT0, LightX, LightY, -9, 255, 255, 255, LightIntensity
if GetAsyncKeyState(%VK_ESCAPE) THEN exit while
Msg = getMessage(hWnd, wParam, lParam)
' '---Now test the message
if Msg = %WM_MOUSEMOVE then
' Unprecise but usable remaping of mouse cursor position
dialog get client hWnd to x, y
LightX = (lowrd(lParam)-x/2)/60
LightY = (y/2-hiwrd(lParam))/60
elseif Msg = %WM_LBUTTONDOWN then
LightIntensity += 20
if LightIntensity > 255 then LightIntensity = 255
elseif Msg = %WM_RBUTTONDOWN then
LightIntensity -= 20
if LightIntensity < 0 then LightIntensity = 0
end if
' I want to use lighting ! ...
tbgl_UseLighting 1
' Simple scene
tbgl_Translate 0,0,-10
tbgl_Rotate LightX*30,1,0,0
tbgl_Color 0,128,0
tbgl_Torus 0.5, 2
tbgl_Color 128,0,0
tbgl_Translate 0,LightY,0
tbgl_Sphere 0.5
' ... but not for the text
tbgl_UseLighting 0
' Let's print some info
tbgl_Color 255,200,0
tbgl_PrintFont "Move your mouse over screen", -0.19, 0.35, -1
tbgl_PrintFont "... and watch the light.", -0.19, 0.33, -1
tbgl_PrintFont "Change intensity using Left and Right clicks", -0.45, -0.31, -1
tbgl_PrintFont "Intesnity:"+STR$(LightIntensity), -0.45, -0.29, -1