View Full Version : Is thinbasic 100% compatible with powerbasic?

29-05-2006, 14:01
or how compatable is it?

29-05-2006, 14:48
Hi sgsong,

first, thanks for your interest into thinBasic.
thinBasic is not related in any way with Power Basic as language and as company.
We use Power Basic to develop most of the parts of thinBasic.

Now, back to your question. thinBasic syntax is very close to PB syntax because we think PB syntax is one of the best BASIC syntax around: clear and coherent during the years.

Many of the keywords implemented under thinBasic give almost the same results as PB. Function declaration is almost the same but default passing parameters is BYVAL under thinBasic and BYREF under PB. API declaration is almost the same.
Many other things are similar but our main target was not to have 100% compatibility with PB.

That said, we have also implemented ALIAS keyword that gives you the possibility to change default thinBasic keywords names. You have also the possibility to implement your own new compiled keywords using thinBasic unique module development SDK under Power BAsic, C or other languages.

We are also working to release thinBasic parsing core as single product. This will allow users to use thinBasic as internal scripting language.

Hope to have answer to your question.


29-05-2006, 14:54
Forgot to say, thinBasic is a new under development language interpreter. This give the advantage and the possibility to discuss together development strategy and functionalities.

We are always open to get feedback from users and possibly to implement users requests. Sometimes specific request can also give the opportunity to implement specific thinBasic modules. Take the example of TBGL module developed by Petr. From a single idea now Petr has developed an OpenGL module completelly integrated into thinBasic and developed with thinBasic SDK. Also all current thinBasic modules have been developed using thinBasic SDK. This can give you an idea of what you can add to thinBasic language.


29-05-2006, 16:24
Hi ErosOlmi,

Thanks for the clarification. There are couple of other good basic-based interpreters, e.g. autoit, FBSL, etc. How does thinbasic compare with them? Being more compatible with Powerbasic is certainly a big plus (I agree with you, Powerbasic's syntax is good), are there other major advantages? Also, how long will thinbasic remain free?



29-05-2006, 17:03
I'm aware of AutoIt and FBSL or FastMathParser and other but not enough to be able to give you a complete compare table. I think you have to try to do some scripting and test by yourself what is best for you. Or try some script and than ask to support forum and see what is the support level you will get. Or try some script, ask for new functionalities and see what's the "time to market" of new functions :) Or try to compare help files/documentation.

On syntax, be sure we will remain as clean as possible to BASIC. We like PB syntax and will try to remain very close to it. Many BASIC languages (compilers and interpreters) started with a regular BASIC syntax but later it become a mix of BASIC, C and other languages. We think it is important to remain with a strict and clear logic.

Advantages? Modularity, quite fast execution speed, script obfuscation, support, a lot of functions, complete script flow control, WIN32 API interface, functions, ...
If you are a PB user you can use our include file and module example distributed with thinBasic setup under SDK directory. You can create your own functions and use them inside your scripts as native keywords. I do not know if other interpreters have this possibility but modularity is one of the biggest advantages of thinBasic.

About commercial: thinBasic is free and will remain free!
We have some commercial aspects we will release to the public in some months. Commercial aspects will not be on thinBasic as interpreter but on specific modules we will develop for very specific purposes.


31-05-2006, 09:07
Hi sgsong,

if you are a skilled PB or BASIC developer you should also consider that the learning curve with TB is nearly flat.
Then seen the remarkable availability of specific modules typically the TB scripts are much compact because you make more with few lines of code.


01-06-2006, 07:02
Thanks Roberto and Eros. I was trying to install it on my computer. I noticed that the current version expires at the end of June. Is this becasue it is still a preview version and a new version will replace it by the time it expires? Thanks!


01-06-2006, 07:59
Reason for the expire date was because we did not want old versions to be around till we were in main development phase. Now thinBasic is very close to be released as stable. It is not a version issue, it is a development phase.

Next week we will release a new version with new expire date (end of the year). We hope it will be the last expire date after that only a free general key without any expire time will be released.


01-06-2006, 08:15
Great, I am looking forward to it. Thanks!


01-06-2006, 08:38
Please if you want, let us to know your comments, they will be very appreciate.
Also don't hesitate to request help if needed.

Thank you very much and best regards,

13-06-2006, 14:49
I cannot help noticing that the new version, also expires at the end of the June, which is like two weeks from now.

13-06-2006, 15:42
Hi Shige.

Yes, we know. Be sure next week there will be a nice present.
New version will be without any expire date and without any key to enter.


17-06-2006, 20:56
Can't wait to see it! Thanks!

19-06-2006, 08:38
Hi sgsong,

just a litlle, all is nearly ready now.
