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View Full Version : Tutorial site moved

Petr Schreiber
01-03-2006, 22:45
Hi all,

thanks to Eros Olmi, the site with tbgl tutorials is moved to rock stable dedicated server, same as this thinbasic pages.

So if your interested in some TBGL info, don't be shy to visit http://psch.thinbasic.com/ :D


Petr Schreiber
04-03-2006, 01:04

today I added some little info about stereo viewing implementation using thinBASIC and TBGL. Stereo viewing is technique, when you can using simple red-blue glasses see the objects "really 3D".

For more information please visit the tutorial site.


04-03-2006, 16:02
Wow Petr,

another gem from our priceles user 8)
I have those paper red/blue glasses from my son Shrek 3D DVD so I was able to see all the spheres moving in 3D.

Good job!

Petr Schreiber
04-03-2006, 16:28
Hi Eros,

that's great you have the glasses.
I got them from PiXEL magazine, but there is printed "Spy Kids 3D" so it looks it has movie origin too :).


04-03-2006, 16:36
Unfotunately I've a strong right eye predominance so I'm not able to get the effect but my son say: "wow, they seem meteorites flying in the sky coming out from the screen" so he was able to get the effect.

You are a monster :evil:

Petr Schreiber
04-03-2006, 16:41
I'm sorry to hear that :(, but it's fine your son can confirm it works :)
My sister wear glasses, so she can't see it 3D too.

But it should be easy to fix - just setup the eye-deviation individually for each eye. I will think about it.

Petr, the monster

Petr Schreiber
05-03-2006, 20:48

Eros today made 2 very important steps, simplifying the game development

Step #1 : Script for stereoscopic viewing was updated with Eros code to arrange red blue better for each person eye

MegaStep #2 : Unbelieveable performance optimization in the thinBASIC preview allow deadly fast script execution - P.E.R.F.E.C.T. !

Thanks a lot,