Petr Schreiber
09-11-2005, 18:12
Hi Roberto,
I'v downloaded the latest thinBASIC preview with new thinAir.
You'v made a great work on it, I like a lot the declarations combobox, automatic uppercase for keywords, undo/redo, "persistent" workspace ...
There are just few things to change:
Edit menu
* The "Case" is good, but confusing a bit when trying it on keyword :)
* Although I like a lot the "grid" in richedit, but it seems to be unchangeable using the "Toggle grid ON/OFF" command
The user defined help is fine, but I can't use any :(
Although I'v defined full path and name of the CHM file, it won't display anything
The registry information is filled with some paths to PBWin 80, which I don't have ( yet :) )
And if I redefine it in the registry to path to my precious PB/WIN 7.04 :), I'm still getting errors
* The REM keyword still doesn't "green" all the line
* Maybe the options menu for custom help and compiler setup could be better then editing the registry manually
* It's a detail, but this is third version of thinAir and it stll has the same version number
But generally, I like it a lot, really
I'v downloaded the latest thinBASIC preview with new thinAir.
You'v made a great work on it, I like a lot the declarations combobox, automatic uppercase for keywords, undo/redo, "persistent" workspace ...
There are just few things to change:
Edit menu
* The "Case" is good, but confusing a bit when trying it on keyword :)
* Although I like a lot the "grid" in richedit, but it seems to be unchangeable using the "Toggle grid ON/OFF" command
The user defined help is fine, but I can't use any :(
Although I'v defined full path and name of the CHM file, it won't display anything
The registry information is filled with some paths to PBWin 80, which I don't have ( yet :) )
And if I redefine it in the registry to path to my precious PB/WIN 7.04 :), I'm still getting errors
* The REM keyword still doesn't "green" all the line
* Maybe the options menu for custom help and compiler setup could be better then editing the registry manually
* It's a detail, but this is third version of thinAir and it stll has the same version number
But generally, I like it a lot, really