View Full Version : GoSub Sub?

06-01-2025, 22:48
hi there,
while experimenting i discovered in an o2-example of Aurel using Scintilla...AsciiEdit.o2bas some strange appearing construction that i thought could not work

He's calling

Gosub OxyKeywords

so i searched for the matching label "Oxykeywords:" as first token on a line - none
then i thought about "Subroutines" that as far as i know are sub-sequent portions of the procedure where also the calling "Gosub" should be inside

Procedure someProc()

goSub mySubroutine

Exit Procedure
#Ifdef use_Label



Subroutine mySubroutine


' do whatever

#Ifndef use_Label
End Subroutine

End someProc

I thought this were the way of using Gosub but Aurels program calls Gousb on global level and that launches a Sub (also on global scope level).

...not within any procedure here,around line 120..130
Gosub Qxykeywords

' and about 1050 lines below
Sub Oxykeywords
' no "retn" anyhwere...
End Sub

that is a bit confusing why could it work?
Is it because of a rule as the caller is on global scope and can call a procedure (instead of a subroutine) on global level too (since it appears as a far-call to me)
does oxygen just prioritize trying anything to resolve the target-location before it must raise an error?
Is that still supported/deprecated/adviseable discouraged?

10-01-2025, 05:20
co2.exe or co2m64.exe + filename run the files without to compile.
I've seen it before but i dont remember where are the compiler-settings?
Am searching through dozens of shipped documents but where i would suspect any help is none.

Not even on the commandline by trying
co2 /?
co2 -?
co2 /h
co2 -h
co2 help
co2 ?
co2 -help
co2 /help
co2 how?
is any hint to get.
Repeatedly i wend through inf\, docs\ help.chm, the cfg for oxide and oxygen but where are the commands hidden to control the compiler? Why isn't that present within - oh -which is actually - the current official help-file?

Charles Pegge
11-01-2025, 20:56
Hi ReneMiner,

To get the compiler options list just do co2 on its own (without arguments).

Regarding gosub. It is possible to call a sub that has no arguments using gosub but it is not ideal.

Normally gosub is used to call a Basic label, but I have also introduced subroutine abc .. exit subroutine .. end subroutine blocks to formalize subroutines. and make them easier to reorganize within a procedure.