View Full Version : strange thing happening....file_save is not overwriting...help file says it should.

25-04-2024, 07:21
strange thing happening....file_save is not overwriting...help file says it should.

n = FILE_Save(APP_SCRIPTPATH & "test.txt", out_string)

the above is the lat line of the script function.
the help file says:

If FileName already exists, FileName will be deleted before writing StringBuffer

that is not happening for me. the string is appended (added to) the file at the bottom.
I expected the file to be over written. the system pauses for 2 seconds during the file write, seemed odd for 10 lines of text, but not critical.

I was running in debug. i also tried just executing the script also.
I deleted the file. ran the script 2 times.
windows 10
made an example

calling "save_file" while inside include file will append the text to the file..
calling "save_file" from the main script file will overwrite the file
I commented the code in main file and ran the function 2 times, it adds to file
I un-commented code and commented function and ran 2 times. it over writes.
pausing in between to the 2 writes a few seconds.
code in the include file is inside function. code in main script file is not in a function.


Dim FileHandle As DWORD
Dim Status As DWORD
Dim TestString As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim sMsg As String

TestString = "1234567890ABCDEF" ' String to write to file
FileName = APP_SCRIPTPATH + "test.txt" ' Build filename

Status = FILE_SAVE(FileName, TestString) ' Save string to File

26-04-2024, 02:06
I am missing something simple.

with append text to an existing file

will over write the file

will work if the if/then is commented out

will work if the if/then is commented out



the function are the same, just 1 set is in an included file.

the code below


#include ".\file2.tbasic"
'USES "Trace"

'[breakpoint] <Any note here. Breakpoint will be set to line following this statement>
saveTestFile2 ' inthis file
'[breakpoint] <Any note here. Breakpoint will be set to line following this statement>
'[breakpoint] <Any note here. Breakpoint will be set to line following this statement>
'[breakpoint] <Any note here. Breakpoint will be set to line following this statement>
RichEdit_Check_FileExistsGO2("test.txt") ' inthis file
'[breakpoint] <Any note here. Breakpoint will be set to line following this statement>
'[breakpoint] <Any note here. Breakpoint will be set to line following this statement>

function RichEdit_Check_FileExistsGO2( sFileName as string) as long

function = %true

'---If file already exists, ask if to replace
if file_exists(sFileName) then

Message = "File " & sFileName & "\n\n"
Message += "already exists. Do yoy want to replace?\n\n"
DIM lResult AS LONG = MSGBOX(0, Message, %MB_YESNOcancel, "Replace file?")
IF lResult = %IDNO or lResult = %idcancel THEN
function = %false
end if
End Function

Function fBackupFileIFExits2( sPassedFile as string) as long
' if file exits make a back up cooy with date
'msgbox 0, date$(0) & "[" & Time$(2) & "]"


dim sTemp as String
sTemp = "_" & date$(0) & "[" & Time$(2) & "].bak"
'[breakpoint] <Any note here. Breakpoint will be set to line following this statement>

If file_exists(sPassedFile)then
FILE_Copy(sPassedFile,sPassedFile & sTemp)
End If

End Function

Function saveTestFile2("test.txt")

Dim TestString As String
Dim Status As DWORD
Dim FileName As String

TestString = "1234567890ABCDEF" ' String to write to file

FileName = APP_SCRIPTPATH + "test.txt" ' Build filename
Status = FILE_SAVE(FileName, TestString) ' Save string to File
End Function


function RichEdit_Check_FileExistsGO( sFileName as string) as long

function = %true

'---If file already exists, ask if to replace
if file_exists(sFileName) then

Message = "File " & sFileName & "\n\n"
Message += "already exists. Do yoy want to replace?\n\n"
DIM lResult AS LONG = MSGBOX(0, Message, %MB_YESNOcancel, "Replace file?")
IF lResult = %IDNO or lResult = %idcancel THEN
function = %false
end if
End Function

Function fBackupFileIFExits( sPassedFile as string) as long
' if file exits make a back up cooy with date
'msgbox 0, date$(0) & "[" & Time$(2) & "]"

dim lStatus as Long
dim sTemp as String
sTemp = "_" & date$(0) & "[" & Time$(2) & "].bak"
'[breakpoint] <Any note here. Breakpoint will be set to line following this statement>

If file_exists(sPassedFile) then
FILE_Copy(sPassedFile,sPassedFile & sTemp)
End If

End Function

Function saveTestFile("test.txt")

Dim TestString As String
Dim Status As DWORD
Dim FileName As String

TestString = "1234567890ABCDEF" ' String to write to file

FileName = APP_SCRIPTPATH + "test.txt" ' Build filename
Status = FILE_SAVE(FileName, TestString) ' Save string to File
End Function

26-04-2024, 05:20
i had the include file above the USES "FILE" line.

which cause all sorts of strange things. I did not check every Foot-Gun yet, i am going to have a beer first.

foot-gun is a reference to shooting myself in the foot.

program flow is linear because script, doh. really embarrassing. glad no one looked at it yet.

have pity on my and delete this whole thing. well maybe leave the part about order matters USES are first.
funny, i did try USES in the included file but it did not help.

04-05-2024, 20:40
Perhaps something was intermixed there.
Thinbasic has
× File_Save
( core function) then
× Save_File
( also a core function that
Was long time present to allow
Saving without the need of the file-Module
and of course
provided by File-Module

I would try to put

USES "File"

To force the function of the file-module to be used.
I suspect a change in Core (File_Append was added) has messed something up.

But in any case you can do as follows

(no specific module is needed)

Begin Const
$CMD = App.Environ.Comspec & " /c "
$notPermitted = Chr$(0 to 31, 34,42,47,59,60,62,63,92,124,126,127)
$needsQuotes = chr$(32 to 45,58 to 64, 91 to 94, o6, 123 to 127)
End Const

' direct access the cmd.exe-command-
' interpreter from thinbasic:
Function Exist(Byval sPath as String) As Boolean
Boolean bNetPath
' if a folders existence is to test
' the path must end with a backslash

' you may concetanate strings for the
' sPath-parameter without to care about quotes
' or if a backslash was present already, just put
' one inbetween, duplications are removed
sPath = Remove$(sPath, $Dq)
sPath = REPLACE$(sPath, "/" With "\")
bNetPath =Startswith(sPath,"\\")
If bNetpath Then sPath = RightF$( sPath, -2)

' if there is an error because of -2 upon RightF$
' use RightF$(sPath, LenF(sPath) - 2)

While instr(1, sPath, "\\")
sPath =REPLACE$(sPath,"\\", With "\")
If bNetPath then sPath ="\\" & sPath

If instr(1, sPath, any $needsQuotes) then sPath = $Dq & sPath & $Dq
FUNCTION =("TRUE" = Shell_CaptureOutput( $CMD & " Exist " & sPath & " (ECHO TRUE) ELSE (ECHO FALSE)", "", %SW_Hide, 10))
End Function

Sub Write_File(Byval sPath as String, Byval sText As String, Opt Byval bAppend As Boolean
String sq, sa
If Instr(1,sPath, Any $NotPermitted) Then
MsgBox "Error:" & $Crlf &"Path-Parameter contains invalid char." & $Crlf & $dq & sPath & $Dq, %MB_iconError, Function_name
Exit Sub
End If
If Instr(1, sPath, Any $needsQuotes) then sq =$DQ
sa = iif$( bAppend, ">>", ">")

If Shell_CaptureOutput( StrFormat$("{1} (Echo {2})>{3}{4}{5}{4}", $Cmd, sText, sa, sq, sPath), "", %SW_Hide, 10) then Nop

End Sub

It may be difficult to pass more than a few verbs because ^ (circonflex) is the escape-char that needs to be added before newline in order to escspe from end of line and to continue on the following line. We would just put the string in quotes - that won't work here.
But anyway the funtion can make you file an empty file when you pass an empty string without a value for bAppend.

04-05-2024, 21:20
I think what i figured out was that I needed to have the USES "File" in the starting file.

I am still feeling out how things work. I had put the uses "file" inside the function and in an included file that was going to use it. vs in the main file. Once I rearranged the uses into the top of the main file the issue went away.
I am pretty sure that the way thinbasic works places uses later in the script in asking for trouble.

im guessing that with no intermediary code step I more or less confused the plumbing and flow of how things work.
new- guy mistake. i made assumptions, and caused myself pain. all of the sample code showed me how to do it.
I should have paid attention.

I will look at you example when i get home. thanks.

I put the using "file" in the wrong place. inside a function inside an include file.
just as a organizing idea, so i would not forget it later, to keep from having a problem because i forgot it.
i was trying to be smart, ,i should know better.

08-05-2024, 09:45
As suspected @Eros note: File_Append in core interchanged some condition of File_Save (also core)

19-09-2024, 19:45
When you call the save function from the include file, it might act differently than in the main script. Check how you're calling it and make sure there are no lingering references to the file.