View Full Version : beta testing thinbasic 1.12.
07-03-2024, 19:10
What happened to the horizontal scroll of thinair-codewindow?
It's - to be honest - the worst behaviour that it ever had.
After using the enter-key it means every time to adjust the horizontal position with those arrows (the scrollbars bar will not react - so it means to target those little arrows) - otherwise i can not see what i type in -
and when i go somewhere into an existing line of code and start typing at an arbitrary position it moves out of sight so the input position is left of the leftmost visible position and its impossible to see what am typing in also.
07-03-2024, 19:21
Sorry but I do not see a so bad situation like you describe otherwise I would have fixed it.
I use thinAir every single day
Are you able to create a little video and put somewhere?
Or an image showing what you see?
Are there any other people experiencing something similar?
Thanks a lot
08-03-2024, 03:45
i do not have video and all i can say is the hscrollbar below codewindow uses up all space no matter how wide or narrow the longest line is and it's impossible to drag the scrollbar while clicking the arrows moves without any limit ( i will check if theme-related - maybe other themes behave different.
Another bug of thinair blocks script execution, just paste this into empty script
lLevel += 1
if lenf(sDir) < 4 then ' must be like C:\
if lenf(sDir) < 2 then return false
sOut = Shell_CaptureOutput("cmd.exe /c fltmc volumes","", %SW_Hide, 10)
llevel -= 1
if lenf(sOut) then
if instr(1, sOut, $LF & ucase$(leftf$(sDir,2))) then
return true
return false
end if
end if
sOut = Shell_CaptureOutput("cmd.exe /c fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo " & leftf$(sDir,2), "", %SW_HIDE, 10)
lLevel -= 1
return iif( Tally(sOut, $LF) > 5, TRUE,FALSE)
end if
paste this to thinAir - see error below the section - blocking execution - comment is considered to be a statement following "then"
remove comment after second line : execution will be no problem
EDIT: trying different themes - no change. HScroll uses the full scrollbar size - unable to drag it, only arrows (keys or icons of scrollbar) allow movement
08-03-2024, 11:06
Attached my image
Block warning is a false error. As you said it is caused by comment after THEN
To understand if IF statement is single or multiple line IF I check if last token in IF line is THEN but in this case a comment can break the rule
I will fix soon, thanks
Regarding hscrollbar no way to replicate.
I've tested in 3 computers with Win10 and Win11 but seems working quite fine. Not perfect but fine.
Yes there is a little glitch when source code is larger then the edit window but no dramatic situation.
I will try to fix this.
09-03-2024, 00:55
there's a difference... i 'm sure not related to longer codelines since the scrollbar handle uses the whole width even if empty script.
09-03-2024, 09:11
OK at least, with an image, I can understand better.
Never experience but of course is happening.
I will try to replicate the situation.
09-03-2024, 09:33
Also tested under Windows 11 and no way to replicate your situation
Can you please give me details about your Operating System and the environment under which you are using thinBasic?
I see a strange frame around thinAir in your image and I cannot understand your exact situation
11-03-2024, 19:01
Strange frame? I think with Windows 11 they resurrected the XP-alike rounded window corners... I piped cmd.exe: Systeminfo >sysinfo.txt - stupid its not changeable in language -( utf8, dos-line-endings)- i guess you have it in italian then on your computer so at least you know what each line contains
"Nicht zutreffend" means like "not matching" - probably the updates... However, my windows already started to disassemble itself - mostly it begins (and it has that since windows 8.1) with a strange message when i open the calculator: "You need a new app to open this ms-calculator-link"
After a while most of the new immersive control-panel is not accessible any more : it messages me : oh my god you have to update virus-definitions and all that stuff - should do it automatic - but that whole branch in the controlpanel tells me i need a new app to open this ms-security-link, paint tells me i need a new app to open... anything ms- (i can see it in the registry) is noding its values to the wrong branches ,means setting are keys, values are settings and values there? none. But that applies only to microsoft apps - especially such that automatic start on logon - guess its MS way to protect their software by opening all those files and services -which prevents from accessing them using 3rd party software. I will setup a new windows soon 2024/1H is available since last month - but i did not think that it were responsible for thinAir-horizontal scrollbar since that is an issue for years already and i had it on dozens previous computers and any build of windows 10 - now up to 11
Another thing ( i don't remember if it was corrected already) when using variablenames ENDING with an underscore as $_HI_ or %OLE_ or just _Alpha_,
__Beta__, ___Gamma___ there is a problem with line continuation in the core-engine when such variable is the last element on a physical line, it appends the
next line even it's not the same codeline, results are unpredicteable
It is not aware that (actually only underscore which is not a delimiter but a wordchar) must be preceeded by whitespace ($tab or $Spc) to work as line-continuation sign.
Of all others there is the ampersand, CHR$(38), "&" that needs a bit more care than the others : Do not end a line with that char, do not start a new line with that char,
best to use it (for string-concetanations) before an underscore and
type a space which i make visible here as "·" after each: ...end string"·&·$CRLF·&·_·
"new line can begin with quoted expression or variable
Actually almost all the delimiters silently expect to be followed by a whitespace-char before the \r ($CR) - you will experience if using other text-editor that offer such friendly things as truncate all trailing whitespace.
Don't you dare to think about...
Do never ever use it - to save yourself the consequences as a recommendation
if these invisible chars after the code disturb you, create yourself a small script - less than 10 lines thinbasic-code that will Rtrim all lines of a script and append a space then if the line does not end as comment
13-03-2024, 08:04
Ciao René,
tried on other 2 Windows 11 computer and I was not able to create a situation like yours regarding horizontal scrollbar.
Can you please try 2 things:
try to split thinAir edit window vertically using little splitter dragger bottom left.
See if it make any difference in the 2 horizontal scroll bars
Possibly post here a picture.
please give me your display settings showed in the attached image
Thanks a lot
14-03-2024, 03:56
on a horiontal split the right side still full scrollbar, the left seems ok. i totally forgot that split-thing
14-03-2024, 08:06
Thanks Renè,
OK that's an info for me to try to better understand.
Please send me also info about display settings
15-03-2024, 01:58
attached my translation of screenshot from settings-panel
What i can tell for sure from the last screenshot that shows the same script in all 4 split views is, that the right views do not obtain the value for the width at the same memory-position as the left views do, which appears to be the correct source to me.
18-03-2024, 14:15
New installation of windows 2023H2 completed but thinair still the same problem