26-04-2023, 11:34
can you believe that every prime number is a multiple of 6 + or -1. as an example 17=6*3 - 1
31=6*5 + 1
and so on forever
i have asked ChatGPT to give me a JavaScript code to count the number of primes from 1 to 1000000 using the formula of 6*k+ or -1
he said sure here it is: attached the Chat with his description.
realy the robots will make the people lazy and their brains will be smaller over time.
converting the JS to thinbasic is almost straightforward
the time is about 12 seconds
but if we use the thinbasic IsPrime function it is zero seconds since it is inside thinbasic such as in this code
Uses "Console"
Long i,a,tot
For i=1 To 1000000 Step 2
If IsPrime(i) Then
End If
PrintL Str$(tot+1) 'we add 1 to consider number 2 as a prime
PrintL "Press a key to end program"
'---Wait for a key press
thinbasic code converted from the robot javascript:
'author: ChatGPT
'---Load Console Module
Uses "Console"
Dim a, w, c, tot As Long
Dim T1, T2 As Quad
T1 = HiResTimer_Delta
Function IsPrimeChatGPT(n)
' Check If n is less than 2 Or divisible by 2
Long i
If n < 2 Or Mod(n, 2) = 0 Then
Return FALSE
End If
' Check If n is divisible by Any odd Number up To the square root of n
'For (let i = 3; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i += 2) {
For i = 3 To Sqr(n) Step 2
If Mod(n,i)= 0 Then
Return FALSE
End If
' n is prime
Return TRUE
End Function
Function countPrimes()
Long count, i
count = 0
' Check All numbers Between 2 And 1000000 Using the 6k+1 And 6k-1 formula
For i = 5 To 1000000 Step 6
If (IsPrimeChatGPT(i)) = TRUE Then
End If
If (IsPrimeChatGPT(i + 2))= TRUE Then
End If
' Add 3 And 2 To the count since they are prime numbers but Not checked Using the formula
count += 2
Return count
End Function
PrintL Str$(countPrimes())
T2 = HiResTimer_Delta
T2 = T2/1000000
PrintL "Elapsed time is " & T2 & " (seconds)"
PrintL "Press a key to end program"
'---Wait for a key press
regarding the javascript code save the attached "IsPrimeJS.txt" as html file
i have included also the chat to see the robot description
31=6*5 + 1
and so on forever
i have asked ChatGPT to give me a JavaScript code to count the number of primes from 1 to 1000000 using the formula of 6*k+ or -1
he said sure here it is: attached the Chat with his description.
realy the robots will make the people lazy and their brains will be smaller over time.
converting the JS to thinbasic is almost straightforward
the time is about 12 seconds
but if we use the thinbasic IsPrime function it is zero seconds since it is inside thinbasic such as in this code
Uses "Console"
Long i,a,tot
For i=1 To 1000000 Step 2
If IsPrime(i) Then
End If
PrintL Str$(tot+1) 'we add 1 to consider number 2 as a prime
PrintL "Press a key to end program"
'---Wait for a key press
thinbasic code converted from the robot javascript:
'author: ChatGPT
'---Load Console Module
Uses "Console"
Dim a, w, c, tot As Long
Dim T1, T2 As Quad
T1 = HiResTimer_Delta
Function IsPrimeChatGPT(n)
' Check If n is less than 2 Or divisible by 2
Long i
If n < 2 Or Mod(n, 2) = 0 Then
Return FALSE
End If
' Check If n is divisible by Any odd Number up To the square root of n
'For (let i = 3; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i += 2) {
For i = 3 To Sqr(n) Step 2
If Mod(n,i)= 0 Then
Return FALSE
End If
' n is prime
Return TRUE
End Function
Function countPrimes()
Long count, i
count = 0
' Check All numbers Between 2 And 1000000 Using the 6k+1 And 6k-1 formula
For i = 5 To 1000000 Step 6
If (IsPrimeChatGPT(i)) = TRUE Then
End If
If (IsPrimeChatGPT(i + 2))= TRUE Then
End If
' Add 3 And 2 To the count since they are prime numbers but Not checked Using the formula
count += 2
Return count
End Function
PrintL Str$(countPrimes())
T2 = HiResTimer_Delta
T2 = T2/1000000
PrintL "Elapsed time is " & T2 & " (seconds)"
PrintL "Press a key to end program"
'---Wait for a key press
regarding the javascript code save the attached "IsPrimeJS.txt" as html file
i have included also the chat to see the robot description