View Full Version : TAB Control

Ronnie Cohen
04-05-2021, 18:31
Hi - I am so new I don't know if I posted this in the correct location. Anyway, does anyone have a simple TAB control example code? Thank You. Ronnie...

06-05-2021, 19:34
Hi, welcome to thinbasic forums then,

you find an example in your thinbasic-installation-folder, usually C:\thinbasic\sampleScripts

i recommend to use a tool as 7z to create a backup of this folder so you can get anytime the unchanged version of an example and experiment with no fear.

Check the subfolder for

for a sample using it the normal way but you should check also samples for "viewports" (a dynamic way of similar behaviour as tab show) and i think it was the treeview-sample. just check and browse this folders / you will find some, i am certain

Ronnie Cohen
07-05-2021, 13:13
Thank you for your help...

Hi, welcome to thinbasic forums then,

you find an example in your thinbasic-installation-folder, usually C:\thinbasic\sampleScripts

i recommend to use a tool as 7z to create a backup of this folder so you can get anytime the unchanged version of an example and experiment with no fear.

Check the subfolder for

for a sample using it the normal way but you should check also samples for "viewports" (a dynamic way of similar behaviour as tab show) and i think it was the treeview-sample. just check and browse this folders / you will find some, i am certain