View Full Version : ListBox control multi selection

12-02-2020, 18:43

a listbox can have multi selection,
the gettext command only return the first selected line. How do you get the whole list of the selected items ?

Petr Schreiber
13-02-2020, 21:53
Hi DirectuX,

it is solution mostly by Win32API, but seems to work:

function GetSelectedListboxItems(hDlg as dword, hCtl as long, byref out_result() as string) as long
long selectionCount
long hList

control handle hDlg, hCtl to hList
selectionCount = SendMessage(hList, %LB_GETSELCOUNT, 0, 0)

if selectionCount > 0 then
long itemIndexes(selectionCount)
SendMessage(hList, %LB_GETSELITEMS, selectionCount, varptr(itemIndexes(1)))

' Fit the output array to selection count
redim out_result(selectionCount)

' Limited to 512 characters, feel free to adjust
dim singleTextItem as asciiz * 512

' Extract all items from ListBox
for i as long = 1 to selectionCount
SendMessage(hList, %LB_GETTEXT, itemIndexes(i), varptr(singleTextItem))

out_result(i) = singleTextItem

return selectionCount
end if
end function

You can use it like:

string items()
long selectedCount = GetSelectedListboxItems(hDlg, %myListBox, items)
if selectedCount then msgbox hDlg, join$(items, ",")


13-02-2020, 22:35
I didn't get used to sendmessage, now I better understand its meaning.
Before your sample, I thought there must have been a single command rather than a succession.

That was instructive to me, thanks Petr !