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View Full Version : is there a way to give the user a script that executes but all in one file?

11-12-2019, 18:00
I don't want to say compiler, but i guess in some way it would be what I want. Let's say I have one thinbasic module or 30 I want to be able to take all these and the thinbasic runtime in a way make it all one file so the user can execute it without load it first. you know ??

yes its probably asked several 1000 times by now, but yeah, how do you distribute your projects?

Not the right place to ask? By all means move it to the right place. :)

Addendum not less than 10 minutes after I posted this I came across the ThinBundle thread. so I found the way :)

Petr Schreiber
11-12-2019, 23:03
Hello :),

yes - thinBundle is the official way to bundle your project, no matter how many modules or script files, to a single executable.

You can also use #BUNDLE statements in your script in order to setup metadata such as program version.
