View Full Version : run as administrator

07-08-2019, 12:42
Sometimes I want the applications generated by ThinBasic to be launched with administrator privileges, especially if my EXE needs to manipulate sensitive resources.

This requires me to add manifest.xml to the resource file and add the following code somewhere:

<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />

Of course, ThinBasic can't intervene in the process of generating EXE.

So what should I do to achieve similar functionality? Or ask ErosOlmi to add this feature to ThinBasic_Bundle as a pre-processing switch

08-08-2019, 19:48
I will check what I can do.

I think I'm already adding a default manifest file in bundled exe but maybe I can move it to programmer level so everyone can personalize it

Will see.

08-08-2019, 22:24
This will be great, and the Robotic Process Automation technology will require administrator user access in many cases.