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View Full Version : Keyboard and mouse simulation

25-07-2019, 19:37
A ThinBasic extension developed with FreeBasic that implements keyboard and mouse emulation, as well as MsgBox functions and InputBox functions.

Overriding the msgbox and inputbox functions is because the former does not conform to the traditional operating habits (msgbox 1 [such code will report an error])

The user interface of the inputbox function is really ugly.

I guess many people don't use these two functions, they can be removed in the source code (these two functions will also bring compatibility issues)

This library is made for LzBot and needs to retain the usage habits of AnJianX software (http://www.anjian.com/)

So cover them.


25-07-2019, 19:43
The functions of this library include:

Analog keyboard down, up, press

Simulate mouse movement, down, up, click, whell

Support for foreground simulation and background simulation for windows or controls