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View Full Version : Redis database operation library for ThinBasic

22-07-2019, 14:33
This library is still very basic, exporting all the functions of the hiredis library and encapsulating some commonly used functions.

In general, it works well in the ThinBasic environment.

Declare Function Redis_Connect Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Connect" (ByVal ip As ZString, ByVal port As Long) As Long
Declare Function Redis_ConnectWithTimeout Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_ConnectWithTimeout" (ByVal ip As ZString, ByVal port As Long, ByVal ms As Long) As Long
Declare Sub Redis_Free Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "redisFree" (ByVal c As Long)
Declare Function Redis_LastError Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_LastError" () As String
Declare Function Redis_Ping Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Ping" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal s As ZString) As String
Declare Function Redis_Set Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Set" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As ZString) As String
Declare Function Redis_SetBin Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_SetBin" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal kl As Long, ByVal v As ZString, ByVal vl As Long) As String
Declare Function Redis_Get Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Get" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString) As String
Declare Function Redis_Append Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Append" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As ZString) As String
Declare Sub Redis_Del Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Del" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString)
Declare Sub Redis_Rename Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Rename" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal nk As ZString)
Declare Function Redis_Exists Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Exists" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString) As Long
Declare Function Redis_Incr Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Incr" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString) As Int64
Declare Function Redis_Incrby Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Incrby" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As Long) As Int64
Declare Function Redis_Decr Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Decr" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString) As Int64
Declare Function Redis_Decrby Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Decrby" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As Long) As Int64
Declare Function Redis_Type Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Type" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal s As ZString) As String
Declare Function Redis_Info Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Info" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal s As ZString) As String
Declare Function Redis_Keys Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Keys" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal s As ZString) As String

Dim c as long = redis_Connect("", 6379)

msgbox Redis_Ping(c, "asd")

Redis_Set(c, "key", 10)
msgbox Redis_Get(c, "key")

for i as integer = 1 to 10
traceprint Redis_Incr(c, "key")

MsgBox Redis_Keys(c, "*")

The above code can be copied to ThinBasic to work.

For this you need to put this dll in the same directory as the script.


22-07-2019, 14:36
I haven't tried to pass the structure to the hiredis library. The string problem is too annoying. I plan to do further encapsulation in the following stages, making this library more suitable for ThinBasic use. It is the perfect cross-process data exchange solution. ;)

Petr Schreiber
25-07-2019, 07:38
Hi xLeaves,

what a gem - Redis is industry standard and go-to tool for many tasks. Excellent!

Just one question - in which language is the DLL created? Do you plan to share the code? Of course, not mandatory, but it would make nice module :)


25-07-2019, 13:20
Of course, Petr Schreiber,

I am using Visual Studio Community 2015 development (VC).

The static link library file is from (hiredis.lib, Win32_Interop.lib):


I uploaded the source code package to our forum, the attachment is a bit big, because it contains the static link library.

I will put the attachment at the end of this reply.

We are too far apart, and network latency and packet loss rates are very serious, which makes collaborative development difficult.

When I use github, or when you are asked to use Chinese gitee.

I will register Github when the first phase of LzBot development is completed, and publish some source code.

This will not cause headaches for code synchronization issues.

I recently updated the code, and now the package using redis is like this:

Declare Function RedisConnect Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Connect" (ByVal ip As ZString, ByVal port As Long) As Long
Declare Function RedisConnectWithTimeout Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_ConnectWithTimeout" (ByVal ip As ZString, ByVal port As Long, ByVal ms As Long) As Long
Declare Sub RedisFree Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "redisFree" (ByVal c As Long)
Declare Function Redis_Command Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Command" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal cmd As ZString) As Long
Declare Function Redis_LastError Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_LastError" () As String
Declare Function Redis_RetStr Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_RetStr" () As String
Declare Function Redis_RetInt Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_RetInt" () As Int64
Declare Function Redis_Ping Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Ping" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal s As ZString) As String
Declare Function Redis_Set Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Set" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As ZString) As String
Declare Function Redis_SetBin Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_SetBin" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal kl As Long, ByVal v As ZString, ByVal vl As Long) As String
Declare Function Redis_Get Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Get" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString) As String
Declare Function Redis_Append Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Append" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As ZString) As String
Declare Sub Redis_Del Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Del" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString)
Declare Sub Redis_Rename Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Rename" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal nk As ZString)
Declare Function Redis_Exists Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Exists" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString) As Long
Declare Function Redis_Incr Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Incr" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString) As Int64
Declare Function Redis_Incrby Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Incrby" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As Long) As Int64
Declare Function Redis_Decr Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Decr" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString) As Int64
Declare Function Redis_Decrby Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Decrby" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As Long) As Int64
Declare Function Redis_Type Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Type" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal s As ZString) As String
Declare Function Redis_Info Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Info" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal s As ZString) As String
Declare Function Redis_Keys Lib "hiredis.dll" Alias "LzBot_Redis_Keys" (ByVal c As Long, ByVal s As ZString) As String

const %REDIS_REPLY_STRING As Long = 1
const %REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY As Long = 2
const %REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER As Long = 3
const %REDIS_REPLY_NIL As Long = 4
const %REDIS_REPLY_STATUS As Long = 5
const %REDIS_REPLY_ERROR As Long = 6

Function RedisCommand(ByVal c As Long, ByVal cmd As String) As String
Select Case Redis_Command(c, cmd)
Return Redis_RetInt
Return NULL
Case Else
Return Redis_RetStr()
End Select
End Function

Function RedisOnServer(ByVal sExePath As String, ByVal sOptPath As String, ByVal iShow As String) As Integer

End Function

Type Redis

' 属性
redisContext As Long

' 析构函数
Sub _Destroy()
If Me.redisContext Then
End If
End Sub

' 连接到服务器
Function Connect(ByVal ip As ZString, ByVal port As Long, Optional ByVal Timeout As Long = 0) As Long
If Timeout Then
Me.redisContext = RedisConnectWithTimeout(ip, port, Timeout)
Me.redisContext = RedisConnect(ip, port)
End If
Return Me.redisContext
End Function

' 执行命令
Function Command(ByVal cmd As String) As String
Return RedisCommand(Me.redisContext, cmd)
End Function

' Ping
Function Ping(ByVal s As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Ping(Me.redisContext, s)
End Function

' 获取键值
Function GetVal(ByVal k As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Get(Me.redisContext, k)
End Function

' 设置键值
Function SetVal(ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Set(Me.redisContext, k, v)
End Function

' 追加键值
Function AppendVal(ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Append(Me.redisContext, k, v)
End Function

' 原子累加
Function IncrVal(ByVal k As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Incr(Me.redisContext, k)
End Function

' 原子累加 [特定值]
Function Incrby(ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Incrby(Me.redisContext, k, v)
End Function

' 原子累减
Function DecrVal(ByVal k As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Decr(Me.redisContext, k)
End Function

' 原子累减 [特定值]
Function Decrby(ByVal k As ZString, ByVal v As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Decrby(Me.redisContext, k, v)
End Function

' 判断键是否存在
Function Exists(ByVal k As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Exists(Me.redisContext, k)
End Function

' 删除键值
Function Del(ByVal k As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Del(Me.redisContext, k)
End Function

' 重命名键
Function Rename(ByVal sName As ZString, ByVal sNewName As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Rename(Me.redisContext, sName, sNewName)
End Function

' 获取键的数据类型
Function DataType(ByVal k As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Type(Me.redisContext, k)
End Function

' 获取键列表
Function Keys(ByVal s As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Keys(Me.redisContext, s)
End Function

' 获取服务器信息
Function Info(ByVal s As ZString) As String
Return Redis_Info(Me.redisContext, s)
End Function

' 关闭服务器
Function Shutdown() As String
Return RedisCommand(Me.redisContext, "SHUTDOWN SAVE")
End Function

End Type


25-07-2019, 13:25
Maybe we can create a github team to maintain some function libraries together.

In fact, I also refer to your source code on Github during the project development process related to ThinBasic.

Helped me solve a lot of problems I actually encountered.