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View Full Version : 【LzBot】 - A development tool based on ThinBasic

11-07-2019, 07:35
LzBot goal is to become a RoboticProcessAutomation development tool.

Used to make various automation scripts,

Help office staff solve the problem of duplication of work.

The current version of this software has been updated to 0.8.

Some of the features in the plan have been implemented.

But only the Chinese version has been developed. After the version is mature, I will release the English version.


LzBot is a new integrated development tool.

A VS-like look that mimics QMacro's user interface layout.

This makes him easier to use.

Hundreds of functions are organized in the command list on the left.

Click on the function to see the integration help.

Double click to insert the code into the editor.

Make the development process stay in the IDE all the way.


In addition, it has a small extension to the functionality of ThinBasic.

Added debug output integrated with IDE,

Execution structure for multi-process collaboration (simulating multithreading),

And an extension library with hundreds of features,

My friends have developed browser automation for LzBot, supporting Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.

And image recognition function, which can be used to identify the verification code


I am sorry for my English, the article is google translation

11-07-2019, 19:54
Dear xLeaves,

:welcome: wow, seems a great project!

From images I can see some source code I recognise as thinBasic but some code I do not recognise as thinBasic mixed together.
I'm very curious to follow it :occasion:

Keep us informed.

Petr Schreiber
11-07-2019, 21:47
Hi xLeaves,

what an impressive amount of work - do I understand correctly you designed complete IDE and use thinBASIC for scripting, by creating automation framework on top of it? :o

Incredible - we would be really glad to learn more about it!


12-07-2019, 08:02
Yes, I plan to expand and transform ThinBasic in the next period to reduce learning difficulty and have strong development capabilities in the direction of automation.

In terms of multithreading, ThinBasic has a short board, but I found a solution to exchange data through multi-process plus redis database, realize the same function as multi-threading, and expand the planned task system to make the software better at solving practical problems.

I am currently developing redis extensions.

Then develop a more complete Task system based on the existing work.

There are still some plans still on paper, such as project management, junior developers always want the editor to help themselves do everything, if you can update the extension library through the network, organize multiple project files through engineering, plus Like a full event-driven UI like VB, this project will be cool to use.

But the development plan is always longer than the development time. I want to implement these functions, it still takes a year or two.

12-07-2019, 10:20
We are preparing a BIG surprise for next thinBasic version 1.10.8
Hope and quite sure you will like :)

Do you have a place (web site I mean) where you develop and publish this project?

12-07-2019, 10:30
Also curious about what language you use to develop lzBot

12-07-2019, 11:45
I use the C# development editor to develop extensions using C/C++ and FreeBasic.

Sounds 1.10.8 is a great version, I will try this version the first time.

LzBot has no website yet, I communicate with other developers and users through a popular Instant Messaging software (QQ) in China.

Project management is done using Gitee (this git service is faster in China)

The current development is done by me alone, there is no more energy to maintain the website or the community.

02-08-2019, 16:19
I haven't stopped recently, LzRPA continues to update, adding a lot of new features, it is getting closer and closer to the date I want to release the first official English version.

After thinking, I renamed the software to LzRPA because I registered the lzrpa.com domain name, and the lzbot.com domain name is gone.

Recently I noticed that the editor automation is not modern enough, so I developed the code hints, and the auto-completion will be developed soon.

They share configuration with the command list, including the auto-complete feature to be done in the future. You only need to edit the command.json file to add it. Of course, it also supports externally extended json files.


In addition to this feature, I fixed a lot of bugs, and some of the functions added later are more stable, such as TracePrint to output logs to the IDE window.

And added a lot of features, as well as the finishing of the command list.

I recently spent some time getting LzRPA to support project and workspace systems.

Each editor has a temporary workspace after it opens, and of course you can open other workspaces.

Can edit multiple files and projects in the workspace

Of course, editing files separately is not recommended.

ThinBasic has a variety of extensions, and I don't think there is a need to extend the use of uses.

A standard Win32SDK exported DLL, a COM component, or even a piece of code can be considered an extension library.

With LzRPA, you can perform editor integration for various forms of extension libraries. After integration, you don't need to write #include, uses. You only need to use the commands of these extension libraries. The editor will automatically put their dependent code and dependent files in Put in the directory where the source code and EXE are located at compile time


After the English version, the command list is a headache.

I need to rewrite hundreds of KB of JSON documents and add multi-language support files.

Maybe these jobs will be completed in about 2 months.

Then I want to develop a visual user interface editor like Visual Basic 6.

This will be a big project. The user interface of ThinBasic can't directly associate events like Visual Basic. It is a small defect.

Work together to make ThinBasic better


05-08-2019, 12:50
Recently I added a homepage for LzRPA.

If a file, project, or workspace is not open when LzRPA starts

The home page will be displayed, which replaces the default creation of a file in previous versions.

When the workspace system is complete, I think that using a file for programming in most cases is no longer recommended.

The project can organize multiple extension libraries and code files, and more new features will be added in the future, so that many jobs can be completed without writing code.

This is the basic function that a modern editor needs.


Petr Schreiber
08-08-2019, 18:55
Hi xLeaves,

can you please provide the link to the homepage? I cannot find it and I am curious :)


08-08-2019, 22:13
Hi xLeaves,

can you please provide the link to the homepage? I cannot find it and I am curious :)


Hi Petr Schreiber:

I have not yet created a website for LzRPA.

Today I created an account on github and uploaded the LzRPA program.

Unfortunately, LzRPA is still in Chinese now, I need some time to make the English version.
