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View Full Version : thinBasic TBGL module open sourced

Petr Schreiber
25-12-2018, 14:16
TBGL is a module for 2D/3D graphics, part of the official installation.

It has been in private development by me for 14 years, with kind Sprite contribution from Michael Hartlef.

I decided to open source the project in order to make it more transparent, allow others to peek behind the curtains and maybe, who knows, maybe even join the development :)


I still reserve the right to be the benevolent dictator leading the development to keep some continuity in design. Further collaboration details on gitHub.

I hesitated to make this move for a purely selfish motivation of exposing not-so-nice-14-years-in-the-making code, but - what is a better motivation for improvement than publish it as is and keep making it better publicly? :)

TBGL would never happen without:
- Eros, who is my enthusiastic mentor and friend for years
- José Roca, who donated the PB community amazing and precise headers
- Bob Zale, may he rest in peace, for creating a practical compiler which simply does what I ask it to do and does not overcomplicate simple things (ya hear me, C string handling?!)
- PowerBASIC community, which, long time before StackOverflow came, always had the answer for my challenges
- without support from my parents, without whom I would not be able to start the programming adventure at the age of 8 :D
- amazing thinBasic community, which always inspired the further development by the incredible creations - be it games, impressive function plots or pure demos, always pleasant to see.

I would also like to thank to Michael Hartlef for the contribution of Sprite system and for his patience with my younger ego during the early cooperation :)

What next?

Publishing TBGL on GitHub is end of one era, but from module perspective just another milestone on the road to the future.

I would now like to focus on design and code cleanup, and preparing TBGL for the next years to come.

I would like it less OpenGL dependant design wise, to make it easier to change the backend in future for any better standard which will inevitably come. The times when I wanted to have OpenGL tatoo are... gone :) Yet - still not sure the next big thing is Vulkan, hehe.

From user perspective, the goal will be to provide easy to use tool to play with graphics - even at the cost of less efficiency. I do not like the current trend of "getting back to hardcore" with Vulkan, Metal - in my opinion it removes the fun from graphic coding and makes it more a technical than creative task.
