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View Full Version : need a Unicode working example

26-11-2018, 16:58
I am new to thinBasic (and programming in general). I need to know how to display a string of foreign characters (such as Greek or Russian) in a simple text field or message box. I have looked through this forum and I found mostly excuses for why thinBasic can't handle Unicode. However "Uzulo" has posted a good working solution. It requires running as "thinbasicc test.txt" to actually work, but that is okay since nothing else on this forum works for Unicode.


The only problem is that Uzulo complicated his code by adding boxes, colors, and other bells and whistles that confuse a newbie like me. I want to only display a string of foreign characters. Period. I need that snippet of code. What do I extract from Uzulo's code without breaking it? I can only learn from working examples that I may modify. Memorizing code rules or lengthy syntax does not really work for me (or for Rapid Application Development). Thanks.

26-11-2018, 17:33
I need to know how to display a string of foreign characters (such as Greek or Russian) in a simple text field or message box.

Hi fkapnist,
and welcome !

This code works for me :

Dim nButEo = "Ŝanĝiĝu... Ĝis!"
Dim nButRu = "Что ж, закроем!"
Dim nButFa = "!ﺪﯿﻨﻜﺑ ﻪﺘﺴﺑ"
Dim nButKr = "창문을 닫기!"
Dim nButYi = "!ןכאַמוצ רעטצנעפֿ"
Dim nButAr = "Պատուհան փակել"
Dim nButHi = "खिड़की बंद करे ।"
Dim nButJa = "まど を 閉じる。"

MsgBoxW (0,nButEo)
MsgBoxW (0,nButRu)
MsgBoxW (0,nButFa)
MsgBoxW (0,nButKr)
MsgBoxW (0,nButYi)
MsgBoxW (0,nButAr)
MsgBoxW (0,nButHi)
MsgBoxW (0,nButJa)

help page is here : https://www.thinbasic.com/public/products/thinBasic/help/html/msgboxw.htm

26-11-2018, 18:18
Thank you. I am an absolute beginner. When I run the code as it is, I get: " Unknown Keyword MSGBOXW " So I went to the help file you link to and searched for "Keyword." But I got "thinBasic_GetKeywordSpeficic" which I think is a misspelling and it shows nothing but a blank page. In programming it seems that the easiest things are often the hardest, and the hardest are achieved by accident...

Hi fkapnist,
and welcome !

This code works for me :

Dim nButEo = "Ŝanĝiĝu... Ĝis!"
Dim nButRu = "Что ж, закроем!"
Dim nButFa = "!ﺪﯿﻨﻜﺑ ﻪﺘﺴﺑ"
Dim nButKr = "창문을 닫기!"
Dim nButYi = "!ןכאַמוצ רעטצנעפֿ"
Dim nButAr = "Պատուհան փակել"
Dim nButHi = "खिड़की बंद करे ।"
Dim nButJa = "まど を 閉じる。"

MsgBoxW (0,nButEo)
MsgBoxW (0,nButRu)
MsgBoxW (0,nButFa)
MsgBoxW (0,nButKr)
MsgBoxW (0,nButYi)
MsgBoxW (0,nButAr)
MsgBoxW (0,nButHi)
MsgBoxW (0,nButJa)

help page is here : https://www.thinbasic.com/public/products/thinBasic/help/html/msgboxw.htm

26-11-2018, 18:56
To be specific, I want to use this example file:

DIM tOut1 AS LONG = 10
DIM tOut2 AS LONG = 5

Msg = "Hi everybody." & $crlf & _
"This message will be on screen for " & tOut1 & " seconds." & $CRLF & _
"Your can click on this message or wait for timeout." & $CRLF & _
"Different return codes will be generated for different actions"

RetCode = Alert("thinBasic Alert", Msg, tOut1)

Alert("thinBasic RetCode", "Alert returned " & RetCode, tOut2)

But I want to replace the Latin characters with Greek for example:

DIM tOut1 AS LONG = 10
DIM tOut2 AS LONG = 5

Msg = "Γειά σου πώς είσαι." & $crlf & _
"This message will be on screen for " & tOut1 & " seconds." & $CRLF & _
"Πιέστε το μενού ή κάντε κλικ στο μήνυμα αυτό." & $CRLF & _
"Different return codes will be generated for different actions"

RetCode = Alert("thinBasic Alert", Msg, tOut1)

Alert("thinBasic RetCode", "Alert returned " & RetCode, tOut2)

What is needed to display the correct language characters?


26-11-2018, 19:05
When I run the code as it is, I get: " Unknown Keyword MSGBOXW "

which version of ThinBasic do you use ?
I ran the code with this preview version : https://www.thinbasic.biz/projects/thinbasic/thinBasic_1.10.6.0.zip

I went to the help file you link to and searched for "Keyword."
it is a direct link to the MSGBOXW man page, you don't need to make a search. If you want to search it , search MSGBOXW instead of Keyword
Also thinBasic_GetKeywordSpeficic has a blank page for me too.

26-11-2018, 19:51
What is needed to display the correct language characters?

I don't know other answer than the previous msgboxw

RetCode = Alert("thinBasic Alert", Msg, tOut1)

Alert("thinBasic RetCode", "Alert returned " & RetCode, tOut2)

The Alert keyword (https://www.thinbasic.com/public/products/thinBasic/help/html/alert.htm?zoom_highlightsub=alert) is not described as an utf8-aware function. To the extent of my (weak) knowledge I think it will not do the job as you want. That is maybe why in this post https://www.thinbasic.com/community/showthread.php?12698-Does-ThinAir-supports-Unicode&p=93079#post93079 the script declares windows functions to do this.

26-11-2018, 20:29
I managed to get this


with this code:

'---Script created on 11-26-2018 18:28:52 by
DIM tOut1 AS LONG = 10
DIM tOut2 AS LONG = 5

Msg = "ĥ꜠󯵠𾲠栳⩮"

Alert("thinBasic Alert", Msg, tOut1)

I think ThinAir saves script file in utf8.
I pre-converted the string to ansi, it's why it displays weird in thinAir. Curiously, in my trying utf8toans$() does not the job.

script file : 9913

27-11-2018, 01:46
I upgraded to version 10.6 of thinBasic. In \SampleScripts\UI\RichEdit\ I found that RichEdit_002.tBasic (TinyWord - RichEdit sample) has full Unicode support with a large selection of fonts. Ui\Sdk\ DIALOG_UNICODE.tbasic will display foreign language characters.

This works in version 10

Dim nButEo = "Ŝanĝiĝu... Ĝis!"
Dim nButRu = "Что ж, закроем!"
Dim nButFa = "!ﺪﯿﻨﻜﺑ ﻪﺘﺴﺑ"
Dim nButKr = "창문을 닫기!"
Dim nButYi = "!ןכאַמוצ רעטצנעפֿ"
Dim nButAr = "Պատուհան փակել"
Dim nButHi = "खिड़की बंद करे ।"
Dim nButJa = "まど を 閉じる。"

MsgBoxW (0,nButEo)
MsgBoxW (0,nButRu)
MsgBoxW (0,nButFa)
MsgBoxW (0,nButKr)
MsgBoxW (0,nButYi)
MsgBoxW (0,nButAr)
MsgBoxW (0,nButHi)
MsgBoxW (0,nButJa)

I tried pre-saving the alert message with ANSI encoding as you did. It worked okay for Greek but Russian came out ????????.... I have Greek installed as a second language in my Windows PC.

27-11-2018, 09:39
It worked okay for Greek but Russian came out ????????.... I have Greek installed as a second language in my Windows PC.
I confirm here all languages printed out ok.
*maybe* (it's a guess of what I would check) :
your default font don't support russian
you have to add russian in control panel \ languages
you have to select russian in control panel \ region \ administration

RichEdit_002.tBasic (TinyWord - RichEdit sample) has full Unicode support with a large selection of fonts. Ui\Sdk\ DIALOG_UNICODE.tbasic will display foreign language characters.
Nice, you've got you solution !?