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View Full Version : When should I use the tbasicu file extension?

Michael Hartlef
10-10-2017, 11:25
@Eros or @Petr: When should I use the .tbasicu file extension instead of the normal .tbasic one?

10-10-2017, 16:32
eh ...
Better Petr will reply, it was his invention :D
In any case i think tbasicu stands for thinBasic UNIT that is an include file auto sufficient that means it has no external reference and can be re-used in different situations.

Michael Hartlef
10-10-2017, 19:34
So it hasn't really any functionality behind it?

10-10-2017, 20:24
So far not other than thinAir/thinBasic will not execute them directly.
Having a kind of UNIT/Single/independent piece of code that can become a library is not bad
Maybe something for future.

I know Petr is using such file very often and is not bad at all. Every tbasicu can be considered "portable" in other projects.

Michael Hartlef
10-10-2017, 22:32
Thanks Eros for the explanation. That is good enough for me.

Petr Schreiber
12-10-2017, 07:18

.tbasicU files contain functions with implementation and or types (with type functions or without).

.tbasicI files I use then for declares of DLL functions, for example.


Michael Hartlef
12-10-2017, 08:13
Thanks Petr, good to know.