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View Full Version : TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray how without function overloading ?

21-05-2017, 23:10
Petr, I was wondering how you handled different parameter values, like vec2f or vec3f and rgb or rgba in TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray
without function overloading?
Thanks for any tips.

Petr Schreiber
22-05-2017, 09:24
Hi Kent,

in TBGL_GBufferCreate you specify if buffer is 2D or 3D. Then the TBGL_GBufferDefineFromArray presumes 2f or 3f accordingly. I parse just pointer to whatever is passed there, so type does not matter.


Petr Schreiber
22-05-2017, 20:22
In pure thinBASIC, you can go polymorphic with passing parameter as UDT this way:

uses "TBGL", "Console"

dim arr2d(3) as tbgl_tVector2f
dim arr3d(3) as tbgl_tVector3f



function TellMeWhatItIs(byref x() as any)

select case sizeOf(x(1))
case sizeOf(tbgl_tVector2f)
printl "It is 2D!"

case sizeOf(tbgl_tVector3f)
printl "It is 3D!"

case else
printl "I am dazed and confused"

end select

end function


22-05-2017, 21:06
Thanks Petr.