View Full Version : User defined types: New article mini-series started

Petr Schreiber
10-07-2016, 19:14
Dear all,

user defined types are one of the areas thinBasic grows fastest in. I decided to start a series to make it easier for existing and new users to unleash the full potential.

I hope you will like it, the article list will be updated here as new parts will pop in.I will maintain 1 week span between the articles.

User defined types mini-series

Introduction (http://www.thinbasic.com/community/content.php?43-User-defined-types-1-Introduction) (or read at GitHub (https://github.com/petrSchreiber/ArticleSeries_UserDefinedTypes/blob/master/01_introduction/introduction.md))
Glory and shame of dot notation (http://www.thinbasic.com/community/content.php?44-User-defined-types-2-Glory-and-shame-of-dot-notation) (or read at GitHub (https://github.com/petrSchreiber/ArticleSeries_UserDefinedTypes/blob/master/02_gloryAndShameOfDotNotation/gloryAndShameOfDotNotation.md))


11-07-2016, 10:55
Thanks Petr. It's great that you're making a series of articles on this subject.
Although I am an existing user, for some years now, I still class myself as beginner/hobbyist programmer in thinBasic. Small demo code examples like will be very helpful and are most welcome. :o

Petr Schreiber
11-07-2016, 23:41
Thanks a lot Phil, for encouraging words! I hope the next parts in the series will be even more interesting!


12-07-2016, 13:52
Great start Petr.

Thanks a lot for this!

Petr Schreiber
16-07-2016, 07:54
New article added "Glory and shame of dot notation (http://www.thinbasic.com/community/content.php?44-User-defined-types-2-Glory-and-shame-of-dot-notation)".

What's new

The list of articles has been updated in the first post
The articles are also available as GitHub repository, with downloadable code examples


18-07-2016, 21:00
Again perfect: precise and limited to few aspects per article described with your usual perfection