View Full Version : Are We Living in a Computer Simulation ?

16-04-2016, 20:42
physicists and philosophers gathered to debate whether we are real or virtual
the idea is that our entire existence is a program on someone else’s hard drive
formidable ideas discussed by serious scientists seriously

18-04-2016, 07:34
nice theory.

For me it seems more like a test of possibillities than a simulation.
Anything that's possible will happen if TIME allows.
If there are more than one options then all of them will happen and each decision of life will split our existance into different dimensions.
If you are on a way where you could go left or right then you will always go both ways.
The moment you decide to go left or right existance will divide into one dimension where you choose to go left and one dimension where you go right and probably also into another dimension where you go back, one dimension where you'll stay in place to decide your way later or never...


18-04-2016, 14:50

That's a profound thought, as is the whole topic. I've commented before on how well you three think in English, which are not you native language. When I was young, I read a Si-Fi book. I think the title was "The War of the Worlds." At the end, a person in a lab called another person over to look at what he had discovered in his microscope. It was our whole universe. In another dimension, our universe was so small it could be viewed under a microscope. I'm off track, but I think you get my point.


19-04-2016, 08:16
Back to the idea, life would be a simulation:

Douglas Adams' "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" teaches us, earth is a computer that was designed by another computer, named "Deep Thought" to calculate the fitting question to the answer for the meaning of life, which is 42.

And not humans - but white mice are the superior species that rule the earth. :D