View Full Version : Array Left$
28-10-2015, 22:13
Currently I try to find a fast method to scan some dynamic string-array for just a part of the string to create some auto-complete-stuff.
So I have a dynamic string-array containing all the keywords.
Now when the user types for example the letters "func" - it's obvious that he wants to type either "Function", "Function_CParams" or something like that so i want my script make to suggest this.
The solution were some Array-method that works a little bit as Array Scan myArray, Collate Ucase, = "func" but i imagine more like
Dim sourceArray() As String
Dim destinationArray() As String
Dim sFile as String = "c:\thinBasic\thinAir\Syntax\thinBasic\thinBasic_Keywords.ini"
Dim nKeywords, nMatches As Long
nKeywords = Parse File sFile, sourceArray, $CRLF
nMatches = Array sourceArray, Left$ = "FUNC" [, Collate Ucase] To destinationArray
where it performs a complete array scan on sourceArray() and all members of sourceArray that match "FUNC" will be collected in destinationArray().
Array-members thats length is less then "FUNC" should not cause error.
Syntax above is just for better understanding what i mean.
Instead of "Left$" it could be named however you like
nMatches = Array Select sourceArray, StartsWith "FUNC", Collate Ucase To destinationArray
alternative it could return an array of indexes - or just work as the current Array Scan-way
Long lStart, lPos
lPos = Array Scan sourceArray(lStart+1), Collate Ucase, StartsWith "FUNC"
If lPos = 0 Then Exit Do
'... do something with matching element
'... go for the next one....
lStart += lPos
StartsWith/EndsWith (both are keywords already) in that case were only a switch as "=", "<=" etc.
Of course only valid to scan for strings.
If possible it could also Array Scan Ptr for elements that StartsWith/EndsWith
i just care for functionality :)
29-10-2015, 21:12
It's on the go.
I like it in both the syntax you suggested.
I'm just thinking what's the best way to implement.
29-10-2015, 22:12
What about the following syntax:
nItems = ARRAY EXTRACT mainArray(), StartsWith | EndsWith | Like (regular expression string) [, Collate ...] InTo destinationArray
nItems will contain the number of elements found
mainArray will be automatically sorted
destinationArray will automatically free and re-dimensioned
Like comparison will use regular expressions already valid for REGEXPR$. Anyway still to think how to do this one.
29-10-2015, 23:35
reads good
Into :)
a keyword with a bright future... should make more use of it.
inMyPockets = [Module]_PutStuff [source [,condition1 [, condition2...]]] Into myPockets()
30-10-2015, 08:40
mainArray will be automatically sorted
i'm not sure if this is necessary to sort the keywords again on each call.
Perhaps suggest in help to sort the array previously for best results, but if it's sorted once...:confused:
31-10-2015, 11:24
Development done.
New functionality will be present in next 1.9.16 version that I will publish by tomorrow (or before if I finish few things)
Syntax will be the following:
ARRAY EXTRACT MainArray, [COLLATE UCASE,] {StartsWith | EndsWith | Contains} ComparisonStringExpression InTo DestinationArray
Uses "Console"
Dim sourceArray() As String
Dim destinationArray() As String
Dim nKeywords, nMatches, nCount As Long
nKeywords = Parse APP_ListKeywords($CRLF), sourceArray, $CRLF
nMatches = Array extract sourceArray(), Collate Ucase, StartsWith "FUNC" inTo destinationArray
PrintL "Found:", nMatches
For nCount = 1 To nMatches
PrintL nCount, destinationArray(nCount)
31-10-2015, 11:34
nnnnnnice :D
Development done.
New functionality will be present in next 1.9.16 version that I will publish by tomorrow (or before if I finish few things)
Syntax will be the following:
ARRAY EXTRACT MainArray, [COLLATE UCASE,] {StartsWith | EndsWith | Contains} ComparisonStringExpression InTo DestinationArray
Would it also be possible to do this:
ARRAY EXTRACT pArray PTR , [COLLATE UCASE,] {StartsWith | EndsWith | Contains} ComparisonStringExpression InTo DestinationArray
the chair i'm sitting on seems to burn :excited:
31-10-2015, 13:15
Not in this release but if it is working fine with standard string arrays, it is quite easy to add arrays of pointers.
So first check this and soon I will add the PTR version.
Updated 1.9.16 is already into the link you know.
Just test it and if OK I will work for the tomorrow public release.
31-10-2015, 14:04
bad news: scripts don't run no more - an optional function-parameter gets lost within a function:
this one of my type-functions:
Function TextSet(ByVal sText As String, _
Optional ByVal lLine As Long _
) As String
the variable lLine is used a few times succesfully...
100 lines of code further, in same function follows this
If lLine < 1 Then
' ...
Error Code 30
Variable not defined or misspelled Keyword
Token found: lLine
- script as is was running a few minutes ago using the previous tB 1.9.16 alpha
31-10-2015, 14:11
Strange, here optional parameters seems working just fine.
I did'n change anything on that matter.
I worked on FOR/NEXT maybe is in this area.
I will check but I need a simple example showing the problem.
31-10-2015, 14:19
exactly that:
Uses "console"
Type tBase
pText As DWord
Function TextSet(ByVal sText As String, _
Optional ByVal lLine As Long _
) As String
' set either all text (no line-number)
' or replace a certain line if lLine exists
' negative lLine = simply append text
Local pLine() As DWord At 0
Local sLine() As String
Local i, nLines As Long
nLines = Parse sText, sLine, $CRLF
If Not lLine Then
' no line-number, so sText is completely new text
If HEAP_Size(Me.pText) >= 4 Then
ReDim pLine(HEAP_Size(Me.pText)/4) At Me.pText
For i = 1 To UBound(pLine)
If nLines Then
Me.pText = HEAP_ReAllocByStr(Me.pText, Repeat$(nLines, MKDWD$(0)) )
ReDim pLine(nLines) At Me.pText
For i = 1 To nLines
pLine(i) = HEAP_AllocByStr(sLine(i))
Me.pText = 0
If HEAP_Size(Me.pText) >= 4 Then
ReDim pLine(HEAP_Size(Me.pText)/4) At Me.pText
If Between(lLine, 1, UBound(pLine)) Then
' replace lLine with new sText
Select Case nLines
Case 0
pLine(lLine) = 0
Case 1
pLine(lLine) = HEAP_ReAllocByStr(pLine(lLine), sLine(1))
Case Else
If lLine + (nLines - 1) > UBound(pLine) Then
Me.pText = HEAP_ReAllocByStr(Me.pText, HEAP_Get(Me.pText) & Repeat$(lLine + (nLines - 1) - UBound(pLine), MKDWD$(0)) )
ReDim pLine(HEAP_Size(Me.pText)/4) At Me.pText
For i = 1 To nLines
pLine(i + lLine - 1) = HEAP_AllocByStr(sLine(i))
End Select
' lLine is out of current range
If lLine < 1 Then
' simply append it
lLine = UBound(pLine)
Me.pText = HEAP_ReAllocByStr(Me.pText, HEAP_Get(Me.pText) & Repeat$(nLines, MKDWD$(0)))
ReDim pLine(HEAP_Size(Me.pText)/4) At Me.pText
For i = 1 To nLines
pLine(i + lLine) = HEAP_AllocByStr(sLine(i))
' insert empty lines until all available
Me.pText = HEAP_ReAllocByStr(Me.pText, HEAP_Get(Me.pText) & Repeat$(lLine + (nLines - 1) - UBound(pLine), MKDWD$(0)) )
ReDim pLine(HEAP_Size(Me.pText)/4) At Me.pText
For i = 1 To nLines
pLine(i + lLine - 1) = HEAP_AllocByStr(sLine(i))
' Me.pText is empty
Me.pText = HEAP_AllocByStr(Repeat$(nLines, MKDWD$(0)) )
ReDim pLine(HEAP_Size(Me.pText)/4) At Me.pText
For i = 1 To nLines
pLine(i) = HEAP_AllocByStr(sLine(i))
Function = sText
End Function
End Type
Function TBMain()
Local x As tBase
PrintL x.TextSet( "Hello" & $CRLF _
& "this" & $CRLF _
& "is a" & $CRLF _
& "test" )
PrintL "---Press a key to finish---"
End Function
EDIT: missing parenthesis corrected (2 times, lines 60, 73 or 80)
31-10-2015, 14:35
OK, got example and able to reproduce the problem.
I'm checking.
31-10-2015, 14:44
i'm going to visit my girlfriend in hospital now... be back in the evening
31-10-2015, 14:51
Thanks for helping me.
It will be a bit long to solve this, it is related to IF/ELSE/END IF nesting level.
31-10-2015, 20:12
I think I've fixed the problem.
Uploaded an updated
Let me know.
31-10-2015, 21:06
came not far enough to test Array Extract yet but thinAir bugs again (see mail from last week)
31-10-2015, 21:11
Yes, didn't had time to see all your reports but will check next days.
Work load will be a little lower next few weeks so I think to have some time to go on to fix and develop new features.
Actually I'm interested to know if today bug is solved.
31-10-2015, 22:04
todays bug seems solved. Also Array Extract works really nice & fast
btw. Found duplicate keyword in thinBasic_Keywords.ini
31-10-2015, 22:10
It is a predefined UDT:
Maybe I've defined twice.
I will check where
If more UDT having the same name are defined in different places but they are are structured the same, thinBasic does not complain.
31-10-2015, 22:23
I need your opinion.
Regarding PTR option (it means mainArray is an array of pointers to string) ...
do you think also DestinationArray MUST be a PTR array or only source should be?
31-10-2015, 23:06
i think it's ok to have the result in a common dynamic string-array- mostly local within a function anyway.
It's up to the user now to pass the whole array to another function or to store it @heap if needed
01-11-2015, 13:52
Added PTR version of ARRAY EXTRACT in public 1.9.16.x
11-11-2015, 14:24
regarding new Keyword Into:
i like how it reads... and it's very clear what it does.
In a certain sense it's the reverse operation to variadic function-parameters... :lol:
Can we have Into useable for tB-script-functions too
Byref passed array-variable that can be dimensioned locally on the fly ?
(tType be any Type of variable or udt)
'... "Into" could work like "ByRef" here,
' but signals an array-variable [with certain dimensions] will follow:
Function putStuff( Into X(~[dim1[, dim2[, dim3]]]~) As tType[, more parameters....]) As Long
' x be the array-varriable
' ~[dim1[, dim2[, dim3]]]~ not supposed to be written by the user as in line further above
' = dimensions bounds,
' "Into x() As tType" (empty parenthesis, no bounds) will serve,
' since Ubound(x, 2) = 0 if x has no 2nd dimension...
' if passed dim1[, dim2[, dim3]] on the call : (see below)
' fixed array size
' or 1-dimensional dynamic, contains already dim1 elements
' else
' x will be dynamic and contains 0 elements
' Endif
End Function
' equals:
Function putStuff( ByRef X() As tType[, more parameters....]) As Long
' no change necessary, only allow Alias ByRef As Into for this
End Function
' call :
Long l = putStuff( [Into|Preserve] myData[([dim1[, dim2[, dim3]]])[ As tType]][, more parameters...] )
' enable instant (re-)dimensioning and passing ByRef within function-call,
' If <"Into" present> Then
' ~~~ make a new, empty barrel for stuff to put into
' If variable_exists(myData) Then
' Redim myData([dim1[, dim2[, dim3]]])
' Else
' Dim myData([dim1[, dim2[, dim3]]]) [As tType]
' Endif
' ElseIf Variable_Exists(myData) Then
' ~~~ check for valid bounds
' If Not <"dim3" present> Then
' If Ubound(myData, 3) > 0 Then
' Long dim3 = Ubound(myData, 3) ~~~ assume we check for existance later
' EndIf
' If Not <"dim2" present> Then
' If Ubound(myData, 2) > 0 Then
' Long dim2 = Ubound(myData, 2)
' EndIf
' If Not <"dim1" present> Then
' If Ubound(myData, 1) > 0 Then
' Long dim1 = Ubound(myData, 1)
' Endif
' EndIf
' EndIf
' EndIf
' If <"Preserve" present> Then
' ~~~ obvious
' Redim Preserve myData([dim1[, dim2[, dim3]]])
' EndIf
' EndIf
' pass BYREF myData[(dim1[, dim2[, dim3]])][, more parameters...]> to function putStuff(...)
' finally real code reads as:
Local numBugs As Long = CollectBugs( Into myBuglist() As String )
' now i have a dimensioned - and hopefully empty - local array myBuglist
[post moved over here to keep other thread on topic]