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14-09-2015, 17:07
I wrote a great little ThinBasic program that uses the TB_XML60.INC file to parse XML files. The basic program runs fine.

But when I go to bundle the application for distribution, the TB_XML60.DLL file does NOT get included in the bundle for some reason. I have to manually copy that file to the same location as my final executable in order to get it to run.

How, using the super awesome new bundle script in can I get it to include this DLL in the bundle?

Thanks so much!


Petr Schreiber
14-09-2015, 19:02
Hi EmbeddedMan,

good catch - the old dialog allowed this, but the new one doesn't.
This is something we need to look into!


14-09-2015, 20:37

Ahh, OK, so it wasn't something I missed then.

I believe that this new bundle system is supported by XML files. Are they something I could edit in order to get this DLL included in my bundle?

Or, would it be better for me to move to an older version of TB where I could specify the DLLs to be included?


Petr Schreiber
14-09-2015, 21:45
To give background - the only DLLs included in ThinBASIC Bundle are those which serve as modules. They are DLLs with interface allowing to supply metadata such as keywords, constants, objects and so forth.
ThinBASIC does look up the module names by checking the Uses.

The TB_XML60.DLL is classic DLL, referenced by include file. Because include files can reference for example system DLLs, the discovery is not done at this level to avoid unwanted side effects.

I feel your pain - I will contact Eros and we will see what we can do. Stay tuned!


14-09-2015, 22:18

I'm working on this to fix this "bug" (well not really a bug but a missing feature) but ... I was already working on next thinBasic version so I may give you few fixed files (thinCore.dll and ThinBasic_Bundle_UI.dll) but already 1.9.16 version.
While this is not a problem, thinCore.dll (the Core thinBasic engine) has not yet fully tested and can have few bugs inside.

If your program is just a test, than it could be ok.
If your program is a real application, it is better to wait next thinBasic version.

Let me know.

14-09-2015, 22:21

Thanks so much for the quick response. This is a tool that our medical researchers will be using to extract XML data from inside large medical imaging files (DICOM data). So I'd rather wait until we have a fully baked release to reduce any support problems I might have if we use a test version of TB.

Adding in the dll to the directory where the .exe lives manually isn't a huge deal. But I'll be very excited to try out 1.9.16 when it's available!


14-09-2015, 22:31
OK then, perfect.

When I will have something to test regarding next version I will let you know.

Petr Schreiber
15-09-2015, 23:09

if you are targetting medical application, I would recommend to keep your code Unit Tested. Please see this topic to get idea what is it about:

Should you have any questions, I will be happy to introduce you to the world of unit testing.


15-09-2015, 23:35

Thanks so much for the invitation. I'm the lead software developer of a Class III medical device, so we do quite a bit of testing (including unit testing) on our medical device, and I'm familiar with it.

This tool that I'm writing in LB is not part of our medical device, however. It's a tool to help our researches catalog their data better. It is being validated by hand, which is fine for this type of tool.
