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View Full Version : How to get TBGL-Window on top (zOrder) ?

31-08-2015, 13:33
How can i get the TBGL-window to be topmost on desktop?

If no *.ini-file exists i call OS_Shell to run another executeable to request settings as resolution or fullscreen, write the user-settings to an *.ini-file and then i open the window as the user wants it. In this case the TBGL_Window opens behind some other windows on my desktop (as thinAir, Explorer or whatever).
TBGL_ShowWindow has no effect to bring the window on top. MSDN-help says it would also work to use SetWindowPos but TBGL_SetWindowed does not bring it to top neither

Is it possible from TBGL or do i need to declare an api-call/ have to use UI for just Win_BringWindowToTop?

Can Eros be convinced to seperate Win-Api-calls from UI?
So Uses "UI" might automatic #Include Once "WinApi-module" but have it available without the whole UI-stuff?

Petr Schreiber
31-08-2015, 21:31
Hi Rene,

I would like to keep TBGL without platform specific styling - but as it is classic low-level (who would say it 10 years ago?) Win32 window, any Win32 magic should do the trick!
