01-02-2015, 12:25
Boolean Eros_has_developed_Const_Type_Members
Boolean Eros_has_developed_UDT_ElementName
Boolean Eros_has_checked_Alias_Once
Boolean Eros_was_ambitious
Boolean Eros_had_time
Uses "console"
PrintL " Problem 1:"
' this some basetype:
Type t_Test
Static pTypename As DWord ' static string not possible :(
' neither instant assignement...
X As Long
TypeName As Function
End Type
Function t_Test.TypeName() As String
' read out my type from Me.pTypename
If Me.pTypename Then Function = Memory_Get(Me.pTypename, Peek(DWord, Me.pTypename-4))
End Function
' create some global const that holds/matches the type-name:
$t_Test = "t_Test"
' assign its pointer to the types static property in advance (before ever using it):
If pre_initType(StrPtr($t_test)) Then Nop
' ( have to request a result to make sure some using LIKE dimensioned variable
' inside pre_initType does not keep the type - applies to type-functions mostly)
' so this pointer will be the same value to all of this type...
' this untyped function creates some local var of a type and assigns the
' pointer where can read out type-name later to a common static property .pTypename
Function pre_InitType(ByVal constStrPtr As DWord) As Boolean
Local lVar Like Memory_Get(constStrPtr, Peek(DWord, constStrPtr-4))
lVar.pTypename = constStrPtr
End Function
' create some extended type now:
Type t_extest Extends t_test
' can not have "own" Static pTypename.... :(
y As Long
Z As Long
End Type
' also create some const to hold the types name
$t_extest = "t_extest"
' and assign it to the static pType-property
If pre_initType(StrPtr($t_extest)) Then Nop
' now create a variable of each type and request stored typename
Dim t As t_test
PrintL "await t_test, get " & t.TypeName()
Dim et As t_extest
PrintL "await t_extest, get " & et.TypeName()
PrintL $CRLF & " --- any key ---"
' solution thoughts :
#If Eros_has_developed_Const_Type_Members
' allow this:
Type t_Test2
Const Typename As String Value "t_Test2"
' no more change possible here
' only able to assign a Const members value here within Type...End Type!
' const-members in type are not automatic part of extended types
' const-members are - as static members- the same to all elements of this type
End Type
Type t_exTest2 Extends t_Test2
Const Typename As String Value "t_exTest2"
' extended types may have matching property-name but different content
End Type
' but another simple solution for my specific problem here were
' if ALL UDTS would have a built-in property
' "{Hidden|Protected|ReadOnly} Typename As String"
' that gets filled in when pre-parsing & type-structure gets read in
' this would solve any "TypeOf()"-questions for UDTs
' perhaps it can only be requested by a core-function as "Type_Name(et)"
' --- but const-type-members still were useful !
#If Eros_has_developed_UDT_ElementName
PrintL "Problem 2:"
' retrieve UDT_ElementName,
' mostly to create function-names from them
' but also to retrieve obvious variables names
' and not need to request the same thing multiple times from user
' assume the example-types & -variables above
Long offset = UDT_ElementOffset(et.Y) ' would be 4 now since there is 1 long X before
String sName = UDT_ElementName(et, offset) ' now sName should hold "Y" or instantly ".Y"
PrintL "UDT_ElementName: "& sName
' solution: no idea...
#If Eros_was_ambitious
' combined - assume offset is known/stored somewhere we could
Dim data Like Type_Name(et) & UDT_ElementName(et, offset) ' = "t_extest.Y"
#IF Eros_Had_Time
' also we could find out the
Long n = UDT_ElementNumber(et.Y) ' would be 2 since et.X is first
PrintL "we want 2 and get: " & n
' this would in my special case help to enumerate ControlID from
' a window-type automatic
#If Eros_has_checked_Alias_Once
PrintL "Problem 3:"
Alias Once As TypeUnitFile
' uncomment 2 lines below after entering valid filename - it will complain even #IF evaluates to 0...
' #INCLUDE TypeUnitFile "t_someUnit.tBasicU" ' <insert a valid unit-filename please>
' PrintL "if this gets printed, problem is solved"
' even if "t_someUnit.tBasicU" would exist it does not get loaded :(
#If Eros_was_ambitious
' typeUnitfile only must contain 1 type-definition & its type-functions inside
' no other(plain, unstructured) code will get executed
' only CONST UDT-members, maybe also STATIC members can get assigned using VALUE|= expression,
' usage of module-functions as RGB(), Left$(), Ini_GetKey() ...etc possible therefor
' no global variables can be dimensioned
' typeUnitFilename composes of Typename and maybe ".tBasicT" as file-extension
' best, most easy syntax i can imagine:
' #Include Type t_myType ' = #Include Once "t_myType.tBasicT"
' and now any variable of t_myType could tell me its Type_Name() which is "t_myType"
written in thinAir...
Boolean Eros_has_developed_UDT_ElementName
Boolean Eros_has_checked_Alias_Once
Boolean Eros_was_ambitious
Boolean Eros_had_time
Uses "console"
PrintL " Problem 1:"
' this some basetype:
Type t_Test
Static pTypename As DWord ' static string not possible :(
' neither instant assignement...
X As Long
TypeName As Function
End Type
Function t_Test.TypeName() As String
' read out my type from Me.pTypename
If Me.pTypename Then Function = Memory_Get(Me.pTypename, Peek(DWord, Me.pTypename-4))
End Function
' create some global const that holds/matches the type-name:
$t_Test = "t_Test"
' assign its pointer to the types static property in advance (before ever using it):
If pre_initType(StrPtr($t_test)) Then Nop
' ( have to request a result to make sure some using LIKE dimensioned variable
' inside pre_initType does not keep the type - applies to type-functions mostly)
' so this pointer will be the same value to all of this type...
' this untyped function creates some local var of a type and assigns the
' pointer where can read out type-name later to a common static property .pTypename
Function pre_InitType(ByVal constStrPtr As DWord) As Boolean
Local lVar Like Memory_Get(constStrPtr, Peek(DWord, constStrPtr-4))
lVar.pTypename = constStrPtr
End Function
' create some extended type now:
Type t_extest Extends t_test
' can not have "own" Static pTypename.... :(
y As Long
Z As Long
End Type
' also create some const to hold the types name
$t_extest = "t_extest"
' and assign it to the static pType-property
If pre_initType(StrPtr($t_extest)) Then Nop
' now create a variable of each type and request stored typename
Dim t As t_test
PrintL "await t_test, get " & t.TypeName()
Dim et As t_extest
PrintL "await t_extest, get " & et.TypeName()
PrintL $CRLF & " --- any key ---"
' solution thoughts :
#If Eros_has_developed_Const_Type_Members
' allow this:
Type t_Test2
Const Typename As String Value "t_Test2"
' no more change possible here
' only able to assign a Const members value here within Type...End Type!
' const-members in type are not automatic part of extended types
' const-members are - as static members- the same to all elements of this type
End Type
Type t_exTest2 Extends t_Test2
Const Typename As String Value "t_exTest2"
' extended types may have matching property-name but different content
End Type
' but another simple solution for my specific problem here were
' if ALL UDTS would have a built-in property
' "{Hidden|Protected|ReadOnly} Typename As String"
' that gets filled in when pre-parsing & type-structure gets read in
' this would solve any "TypeOf()"-questions for UDTs
' perhaps it can only be requested by a core-function as "Type_Name(et)"
' --- but const-type-members still were useful !
#If Eros_has_developed_UDT_ElementName
PrintL "Problem 2:"
' retrieve UDT_ElementName,
' mostly to create function-names from them
' but also to retrieve obvious variables names
' and not need to request the same thing multiple times from user
' assume the example-types & -variables above
Long offset = UDT_ElementOffset(et.Y) ' would be 4 now since there is 1 long X before
String sName = UDT_ElementName(et, offset) ' now sName should hold "Y" or instantly ".Y"
PrintL "UDT_ElementName: "& sName
' solution: no idea...
#If Eros_was_ambitious
' combined - assume offset is known/stored somewhere we could
Dim data Like Type_Name(et) & UDT_ElementName(et, offset) ' = "t_extest.Y"
#IF Eros_Had_Time
' also we could find out the
Long n = UDT_ElementNumber(et.Y) ' would be 2 since et.X is first
PrintL "we want 2 and get: " & n
' this would in my special case help to enumerate ControlID from
' a window-type automatic
#If Eros_has_checked_Alias_Once
PrintL "Problem 3:"
Alias Once As TypeUnitFile
' uncomment 2 lines below after entering valid filename - it will complain even #IF evaluates to 0...
' #INCLUDE TypeUnitFile "t_someUnit.tBasicU" ' <insert a valid unit-filename please>
' PrintL "if this gets printed, problem is solved"
' even if "t_someUnit.tBasicU" would exist it does not get loaded :(
#If Eros_was_ambitious
' typeUnitfile only must contain 1 type-definition & its type-functions inside
' no other(plain, unstructured) code will get executed
' only CONST UDT-members, maybe also STATIC members can get assigned using VALUE|= expression,
' usage of module-functions as RGB(), Left$(), Ini_GetKey() ...etc possible therefor
' no global variables can be dimensioned
' typeUnitFilename composes of Typename and maybe ".tBasicT" as file-extension
' best, most easy syntax i can imagine:
' #Include Type t_myType ' = #Include Once "t_myType.tBasicT"
' and now any variable of t_myType could tell me its Type_Name() which is "t_myType"
written in thinAir...